Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Brokers Are Not the Enemy - Six Percent Commissions Are

Talk to Brokers but don't pay six percent commissions.

FSBOS don't want to talk to brokers. That's a mistake. A
broker is your best source of information. FSBOS avoid
brokers because they don't want to sign a listing agreement.

* A broker is licensed to sell real estate and to supervise
other licensees.
* A real estate agent is licensed to assist with buying and
selling real state. They must work for a broker.
* A Realtor is a member of the board of Realtors and may be
a broker or a licensee.
In this article, we have used the term broker for all
references to licensed persons.

Accept as fact, brokers have information you need. Ask them
for a free market evaluation. If later you decide to list,
use a broker who has been helpful. Ask them to include
recorded sales because a recorded sale is a fact.

The Brokers Are Coming!
The sign is in the yard, your ad is running, your neighbors
have all been over to ask why you're moving, and the
brokers are coming.
You will get calls from brokers. Don't bother putting "No
Brokers" in your ad, because they'll call anyway.
A "For Sale by Owner" sign or ad is a green flag that says,
"I have a house for sale! Help me."

Decide if you willing to pay a reduced commission or a
co-op fee.
A co-op fee is usually 2.5 - 3% paid to the buyer's agent;
however, it can be anything.
Don't let anyone tell you the rate is fixed. Many sellers
offer a flat fee rather than a percentage.
If you don't want to offer any co-op to brokers then you
must learn to say "No."

Why Brokers? Because They Have Buyers.

* To sell, you must have buyers.
* Brokers have buyers.
* Approximately 90% of buyers work with a broker.
* Are you willing to turn away that market?
* If you pay a co-op fee to a broker, you're still saving
thousands of dollars.

Here are a few tips on how to work with brokers if you
decide to co-op:

* Hold a broker open house.

* Send invitations.

* Take flyers to real estate offices.

* Serve refreshments.

* Ask for an opinion of value.

* Invite offices to include your property on their weekly

* Let them know you are willing to co-op.

* Encourage showings.

* Do not try to steal their buyers!

Remember brokers are not the enemy.

There are alternatives to Full Service.Times have changed
and today many brokerage houses will work with a FSBO in
some manner other than the traditional full listing service:

1. Some companies offer an exclusive agency listing which
allows you to continue marketing as a FSBO, and if you sell
the property with no broker involvement, you owe no
commission. They receive a commission only if the property
is sold by their office.

2. Other companies offer "Multiple Listing Registration
Service" to the FSBOS with an exclusive agency agreement.
This type of contract allows you to continue marketing as a
FSBO, offering a co-op fee to a broker if the buyer comes
through the MLS.

3. An exclusive right to sell agreement takes away your
right to sell FSBO and you'll pay the listing company and
the selling company.

In recent years a variety of FSBO programs have sprung up.
The original company offering such services is owned and
operated by the author in the Colorado Springs area.
Call in your area for brokers who offer alternative listing
plans. Programs that let you stay in control

We have found that people who sell by owner do so for two

1. They want to save the commission.
2. They want to remain in control.

Both opportunities are available. Decide how you want to

Red Flags Alert: When you meet with brokers there are Red
Flags that warn you a broker is in violation of the
Realtors Code of Ethics. Be aware of these unethical

The Red Flags:

* A broker tells you commissions are fixed.

* A broker says, you can't sell without a broker.

* A broker quotes a selling price five or more percent
higher than quoted by other brokers.

* A broker says he has a buyer but won't bring them unless
he has exclusive right to sell agreement signed by you.

* A broker bad mouths fellow brokers.

* A broker tells you that you have to pay a certain amount
of commission, in order for brokers to work your listing.

* A broker tells you that no one works with a certain

If you hear any of these comments, run away! This is not a
professional broker.

A broker or agent who speaks to any of the aforementioned
red flags, is in violation of federal antitrust laws and
could be convicted for price fixing.
Beware of Any Broker Who Uses These Tactics.

The good news: there are many more professional brokers
than unprofessional ones.

Other Suggestions:

* Never sign a contract without sleeping on it.
* Sales people are trained to close the sale.
* You have a right to think it over.
* There is no three-day right of recision once you sign a
listing agreement.

If you decide to work with a broker, either with an
alternative plan or a full listing, pick someone who is
honest, helpful, and concerned with your welfare.

Let's Review What You've Learned:

* Brokers are the best source of real estate information.
Ask for help.
* Brokers are coming. You can't avoid them.
* Learn how to use their expertise.
* Brokers have buyers.
* Consider ways to work with brokers.
* Alternative listing programs are available.
* Find out if one is right for you.
* Stay in control.
* Know the Red Flags - Avoid unprofessional brokers.

Good Luck Selling

Wee Dilts created the original for sale by owner flat fee
MLS program, authored the best selling "How to Sell Real
Estate by Owner" book, and has assisted FSBOS since 1983.
Colorado For Sale by Owners can register for MLS, purchase
her book, or download Free FSBO tips at
Have an FSBO question? Send it to fsbofriend@msn.com

Show it Right - Sell it Quick

Prepare the property first then show and sell.

Congratulations! You've done your homework. You've
Interviewed professionals, established a realistic price,
completed all repairs. You've made the property sparkle and
stage the property for showing.

Now that the sign is in the yard, every hour of every day
is show time.


Many sellers post a showing checklist on the refrigerator
so they can see it every day. They keep the house in
showing condition at all times.

Showing Checklist:

1. Dishes are done and put away.

2. Beds are made.

3. Curtains are open.

4. The house is as bright as possible.

5. Radio and televisions are turned off.

6. Toilet seats and lids are down.

7. Waste baskets are emptied.

8. Washing machine and dryer are turned off.

9. Clothes are hung neatly in the closet.

10. Pets are in their proper place.

11. Children are in their proper place.

12. Lights are on.

13. Guest book and flyers are in a conspicuous place.

14. Jewelry and loose moneys are put away.

15. The entire house is neat and orderly.

Set the Stage

Do everything to create an expansive look. Arrange
furniture in a manner that keeps walking areas clear. Keep
the center of the room open.

Your collections, photo-lined walls, and overstuffed chairs
and ottomans are not an advantage when showing property.

Staging tips:

* Rent a storage unit.
* Thin out stuff.
* Remove clutter.
* Spackle nail holes.
* Clear counter tops.

Serious buyers are mentally moving in. They will look in
closets and cabinets. Clutter and disarray make areas
appear small.

Smoke and Mirrors

Mirrors - Mirrors make tiny areas seem large. Model homes
use mirrors extensively; shouldn't you?

Consider mirrors for small bathrooms, dining areas,
hallways, and bedrooms.

Smoke - If you smoke, stop smoking inside the property. You
could lose a buyer who is allergic to or doesn't like smoke.

Make an Open House Decision

* Are you comfortable letting people look through the
property unattended?
* Do you want to sit in the house and wait for people to
* Do you want to spend the money for advertising?

If your property is not on a busy street and highly
visible, you can forego an open house.

Greeting the Buyer

When the buyer arrives introduce yourself and have them
sign the guest book, which should provide space for:
1. Name.
2. Address.
3. Telephone number.


If the buyer is not accompanied by a broker, go through the
house with them. Let them browse, remain unobtrusively in
the background. Don't hover. You're there to answer

If they're accompanied by a broker, ask them and the broker
to sign your guest book. Ask them to take flyers. You don't
have to leave the house, but let the broker show.

Don't push. You might spook a buyer. Invite them to come
back. A buyer who comes back is interested.

Follow Up

Make a follow-up call to ask if they have any questions and
if they have any interest in purchasing.
They may give you valuable feed back.

If a broker has shown your property, call them for feedback.

The more information you have the more apt you are to sell
your property.
Receive feedback graciously.


Provide two types of flyers:

1. A property information flyer, which includes:

* The property address.
* Heading.
* A floor plan on the back of the flyer.
* The asking price.
* The terms offered.
* Number of bedrooms.
* Number of bathes.
* Square footage.
* A list of upgrades and improvements.
* A list of amenities.
* Your phone number.

2. A loan information flyer which includes:

* Two or three different financing plans.
* Current interest rate choices.
* Various down payment and loan options.
* Terms and monthly payments.
* FHA and VA terms.

Flyers can be as simple or as elaborate as you wish to make


There are some precautions you should consider:

* People may want to see the house without an appointment.
You decide.
* If it's convenient, you may show; if not, ask them to
schedule an appointment.
* Confirm appointments.
* Do not show the property after dark, ask them to set a
daytime appointment.
* Real buyers want to see the property during daylight
* If a person drops in and claims to be a Realtor, saying
they would like to preview for a client, get a business
card and ask them to sign the guest book.
* NEVER allow your children to show the property.

Important Negotiating Tips. When you and the buyer
negotiate a contract, there are a couple negotiating
techniques you need to know:

1. "No!" is a complete sentence.
You don't need to elaborate. Say No and shut up.
2. At an impasse, the one who speaks first loses.
A good negotiator learns to keep quiet.
3. Reduce agreements to a simple form, put them in writing
for both parties to sign.
Use your states' approved purchase agreement.

A Truism: Verbal Agreements Are Worth the Paper They're
Written On.

If you've read the article, you've learned how to:

* Keep the property in showing condition.
* Greet the buyer.
* Show the property.
* Stage the property.
* Talk to the buyer.
* Follow up.
* Make a guest book.
* Make Information flyers.
* Decide to hold an open house.
* Take precautions.
* Negotiate.

Good Luck Selling

Wee Dilts created the original for sale by owner flat fee
MLS program, authored the best selling "How to Sell Real
Estate by Owner" book, and has assisted FSBOS since 1983.
Colorado For Sale by Owners can register for MLS, purchase
her book, or download Free FSBO tips at
Have an FSBO question? Send it to fsbofriend@msn.com

Spain real estate

Sandy beaches, clear waters, and friendly people – no
wonder tourists flock to Spain all year round! Because of
this Spain real estate has flourished over the last couple
of years. Real estate prices have skyrocketed and for good

Hot spots in Spain

Spain real estate agents have found some great locations
where real estate prices are affordable, scenery is
splendid and investments are truly value for money! From
lush tourist resorts to splendid residential locations,
Spain real estate has truly come a long way. Most of the
coastal areas are hugely popular because of the beaches,
eternal sunshine and promise of fun-filled vacations. This
has provided a lucrative means for steady business for
these real estate agents. In just a few months during peak
season time, these agents more than recover any costs
incurred due to initial investments.

Jump on the Spain real estate bandwagon

It's considered fashionable to invest in the lush real
estate of Spain – and deservedly so. Even if real estate
prices in these areas may seem a little on the upside, you
can be rest assured that within a short time span you will
recover costs and start making steady profits. However,
just in case you're a little wary of the profit prospects,
you may invest a little towards the inland. Here prices are
cheaper and Spain real estate is relatively untapped in
these areas – making it a good investment. Further, the
Spanish government encourages people to invest in the
interiors. They will not only reduce the cost for you, but
they will also provide you with tax breaks, financial
bonuses etc. That way, you can use this money to save for
future Spain real estate investments. Since the coastal
areas are already saturated at every level, investing in
these interiors helps you save at various stages of the

Useful tips to increase your ROI

If you want real value for money and true return on
investment, consider buying cheap, dilapidated houses in
the inland areas. Here Spain real estate is quite nascent
which means costs will be lower. Buying that shabby house
also means a further reduction in costs. You can then
choose to repair the house on your own budget. This will
greatly reduce your overall investment in the property. You
can transform these houses into fabulous vacation homes,
villas and rentals according to your taste and style. Once
transformed, you can sit back and watch tourists flock to
them! You will see business grow rapidly. However, if you
have the funds, then opt for a coastal property which will
bring you instant profits. The lure of the big blue never
fails to attract investors. Either way, investing in Spain
is a win-win situation.

Get professional help

Try to avail the services of a professional Spain real
estate agency. These people have been in business for ages
and will advice you on the details- especially if you're a
foreigner. They will help you choose the best deal and
property, overcome the linguistic barriers and handle legal

Steven Magill is an internationally renowned author and
expert with regard to the Spanish real estate market. He
regularly helps clients in and around the Costa Del Sol
area of Spain. As a Fellow in the British Association of
Entrepreneurs (FBAE) and a partner in
http://www.buyspain.co.uk , he brings years of experience
and expertise to this field.

Three Traits You Absolutely Need to Be Successful in Commercial Real Estate

Unfortunately, commercial real estate is not for everyone.
Before taking the plunge into this vastly competitive
field, you may want to ask yourself the following
questions, all of which relates to how you work and your

-Do I Have an Entrepreneurial Mindset?

Successful professionals in commercial real estate tend to
have an entrepreneurial spirit. The have a motivated drive
or desire to succeed. Having an entrepreneurial mindset
could mean that you possess the following qualities:

-goal oriented
-a leader
-a risk taker

Some people describe having an entrepreneurial mindset as
having a "fire in the belly." In short, you have burning
desire for success in commercial real estate and you have
the creative and innovative spirit to translate that fire
into concrete action.

-Do I Have a Passion to Help Others Succeed?

If you want to be successful in commercial real estate,
particularly as a commercial real estate mortgage broker,
property broker, agent or lender, you must have a passion
to help other people succeed. In the end, your success in
any one of these specialties within the realm of commercial
real estate depends on your own ability to assist other
people achieve their own goals. Do you thrive on seeing
others succeed and knowing that you were able to contribute
to that endeavor?

-Do I Have an Internal Personal Belief System That Supports
My Success?

Finally, when it comes to achieving success in commercial
real estate, it is absolutely fundamental that you develop
and maintain a personal belief system that permits you to
fully understand that you are capable of achieving any
goal. Although some people may conclude that it is a
trite saying – you have to BELIEVE in yourself. If you do
not believe in yourself, how can you expect your clients to
trust and believe the advice that you give them? By
believing in yourself, you will have the ability to develop
an appropriate plan of action that will ensure that your
important dreams become realities. By setting goals and by
believing that through your own best efforts you can
achieve those goals, you will enjoy significant and lasting
success in the commercial real estate profession.

If your answer was "yes" to each of the questions above,
you are well on your way to finding a great career in
commercial real estate. The industry is not made for
everyone, but for those who can appreciate what it takes to
succeed, they are in for one exciting ride! Best of luck
to you!

Contributed by VEC Financial Group. The VEC Financial Group
(VEC) is dedicated to providing commercial mortgage and
business financing to property owners and entrepreneurs
across the country. VEC Financial provides these services
by connecting the right broker with the right borrower, who
ultimately finances with the right lender.

Monday, July 30, 2007

The Word on the Street is Brazilian Property in Fortaleza

International property investors are right now researching
Brazilian property and many are finding the area of
Fortaleza, Brazil an attractive place to invest. Cheap land
prices a stable economy and low cost of living Brazil is a
strong contender for the hottest overseas property location
in the world.

Fortaleza is situated on the far northeast coast in one of
the driest and sunniest parts of the country. This city of
2.1 million inhabitants is the capital of the state of
Ceara and sits along the spectacular Atlantic coastline.
Fortaleza is known for its sunny days and active nights

There is something for everyone in this city, from beaches
and bars to culture and shopping. Iracema Beach is a
popular, eclectic beach that has many all night bars for
tourists and locals alike to enjoy. Other popular beaches
include the Praio de Futuro, Meireles, Volta da Jurema and
Mucuripe. The last three of these beaches are connected to
each other by the Avenida Beira-Mar, a three mile long road
with just about anything anyone could want. The largest
water park in Brazil is at Porto das Dunas, about 20
minutes south of the city.

Fortaleza has many existing properties for sale that are
available at very reasonable properties. For those looking
for a place to retire, this is a hard place to beat with
existing costs so low. It is also beginning to see some
major developments spring up, particularly along the coast
outside of the city. Taibai Beach Gardens is a new
development about 60 minutes outside the city and The
Fountains, Praia das Fontes, about 50 minutes south of the
city are two popular new developments. These and other
developments have many off-plan units for sale, and the
values are only expected to rise in the coming years.

Development and investment is slowly moving up the
Brazilian coast and now is a great time to get into this
area. Over the next few years, there will be much greater
activity in these areas, and the investments and values of
all properties will rise.

With the recent opening of its new international airport
terminal, getting to Fortaleza is becoming easier. Pinto
Martins International Airport (FOR) opened its terminal in
1998 and is just 15 minutes from downtown. Because of its
location it is the closest major Brazilian city to Europe
and there are an increasing number of charters that fly
directly into Fortaleza. There is connecting service from
Salvador, Rio de Janeiro, and Sao Paulo.

Brazil is already making investors money house prices are
picking up and the currency is getting stronger no wonder
the word on the investment street is Fortaleza Brazil

Nicholas Marr is clearly an observer of life and front row
spectator of the events in the overseas property market. A
lifetime property investor his UK based company Marr
International owns one of the fastest growing overseas
property websites in Europe at http://www.homesgofast.com
and Brazilian property website at


Commercial Real Estate Investing - Searching For The Holy Grail

Tips on How to Get Started

If you like to play Monopoly for fun, imagine how fun it
would be to play Monopoly for real. For many real estate
investors, scouting for a profitable commercial real estate
property is very much like the board game. And to many,
building wealth by investing in commercial real estate is
often deemed the holy grail of investing. However, scouting
and buying these types of properties is not as easy as
1-2-3, no matter what anyone tells you. But if you do your
homework and surround yourself with people who can help
you, you are well on your way to building a profitable
commercial real estate portfolio! Below are three steps on
how you can get started:

Step One: Educate Yourself

You can start by educating yourself. This includes reading
books and publications, talking to experienced commercial
real estate investors, attending classes and seminars, and
joining a trade association. A really easy and inexpensive
way to learn is to join a commercial real estate investor
network. These networking groups connect you to not only
the people you need to know (or should know) in the
business, but also to educational tools and resources to
help you become well versed in the practice.

Step Two: Surround Yourself With People Who Can Help You

Next, surround yourself with people who can help you build
your portfolio. In order to be successful in commercial
real estate investing, you must align yourself with a team
of professionals who are "smarter" than you. These
professionals include financing brokers, lenders, realtors,
attorneys, contractors, property inspectors, market
appraisers, title companies, accountants, engineers, and
many other industry service providers. In building your
team, make sure they know commercial real estate. For
example, an attorney who is well versed in closing a
residential deal may not know anything about closing a
commercial deal.

Step Three: Know How A Commercial Property is Financed

The third step to getting started is to learn how a
commercial property is financed. Many savvy residential
real estate investors have a wake up call when they try to
finance their first commercial property. Find out how
commercial properties are financed before you even start
scouting for one. The reason why this is so important is
because commercial properties are not financed based on the
purchase price, which is common in the residential
industry. Commercial properties are financed by evaluating
the cash flow of the property, which determines the
ultimate value of the property, not the actual
purchase/sales price. The difference between these two
values could be the difference between a dead deal and a
viable deal.

In summary, investing in commercial real estate can be a
wonderful way to build wealth for entrepreneurs and
investors alike. The more you immerse yourself in the field
of commercial real estate and the more people you meet, the
faster you can learn the tricks of the trade. Best of luck
to you and may you always find success in your ventures.

Contributed by VEC Financial Group. The VEC Financial Group
(VEC) is dedicated to providing commercial mortgage and
business financing to property owners and entrepreneurs
across the country. VEC Financial provides these services
by connecting the right broker with the right borrower, who
ultimately finances with the right lender.

Financial Companies are Embracing RSS Feeds

Financial institutions are reaching out to clients using
RSS feeds. While banks and financial institutions are
usually slow to adopt new technology, that is not the case
with RSS adoption. More and more professionals are using
RSS in innovative ways, to stay ahead of their competition.

1. Bank Rate Changes

Bankers are using RSS to communicate bank rate changes.
Feeds are updated regularly to reflect changes to
adjustable rate mortgages or the interest rate for CDs.

example: Federal Reserve

2. Stock Monitoring

Stock analysts monitor stock market changes using RSS
feeds. As specific stocks and bonds rise and fall RSS feeds
are updated. Many of the tools allow you to customize RSS
feeds selecting the stocks or mutual funds that you wish to

example: Smart Money - http://www.smartmoney.com/rss/

3. Mortgage Rates

Customers seeking housing can monitor mortgage rates
through a variety of lenders using RSS feeds. Rate changes
appear in the RSS feeds as the new rates are announced.

example: Long and Foster -

4. Employment Opportunities

Members of the finance industry can monitor job
opportunities using RSS. As new jobs in the financial
industry become available the job listings appear in the
RSS feed.

Example: 4 Finance Jobs -

5. Currency Exchange Rates

Banks, financial institutions and economists can monitor
currency exchange rates using RSS feeds. As the changes the
new rates appear in the RSS feed.

examples: Currency Source -
. New York Federal Reserve - http://www.newyorkfed.org/rss/

6. Foreclosures

Banks are using RSS feeds to publicize properties that are
available via foreclosures.

Example: Foreclosure Listings -

7. Auction Opportunities

Estate auctions are publicized and announced using RSS

Example: Auction RSS Feed -

8. Financial Industry News

Financial analysts can now monitor the latest financial
industry news by subscribing to RSS feeds.

Example: Money Central -

9. Venture Investment Monitoring

Venture funding capital investors interested in watching
trends in venture funding can subscribe to RSS feeds to
determine where the venture capital funding is going.

Example: Almeida Capital -

10. Personal Finance Tips

Blogs containing personal finance tips are common place.
Some of the best personal finance blogs have RSS feeds

Example: This is Money -

11. Credit/Debt Consolidation Information

Tips on debt management and credit consolidation are a
common feed topic.

Example: TRX Credit - http://www.trxcredit.com/rss/

12. Tax Laws

Accountants are using RSS to stay current on the latest
income and sales tax laws.

Example: Australian Taxation Office -

13. Investment Properties

Real estate investors can now watch for investment
properties using RSS. As new properties become available
feeds are updated.

Example: Property RSS - http://www.propertyrss.com/

14. Continuing Education

Accountants and those in the financial industry can stay
current on tax laws or brush up on investing by listening
to podcast lectures.

Example: Educational Feeds -

15. Monitor Real Estate Sales

The temperature of the housing market is of significant
interest to many in the financial industry. Investors can
monitor property sales by creating a zip code specific feed
or by subscribing to feeds the cover a specific location.

Example: Realty Feeds - http://www.realty-feeds.net

16. Investment Advice and News

Investors are using blogs and RSS feeds to provide a
smattering of investment advice to attract clients.

Example: Security Exchange Commissions -

17. Bankruptcy Announcements

RSS feeds to watch for bankruptcy filings of individuals
and companies that have entered bankruptcy protection.

Example: US Courts - http://www.wiw.uscourts.gov/bankruptcy/

18. Corporate News

Financial companies must stay current on corporations, and
there are often press announcements, new product
announcements or legal actions. Monitoring corporate feeds
will keep analysts up to date on the latest information.

Example: Agilent -

19. Loan Rates

Monitor lending rates for student loans, car loans or home
equity lines by subscribing to RSS feeds.

Example: Student Loans Rates-

20. Tax News

Stay current on tax laws and changes using RSS feeds.

Example: Tax News- http://www.tax-news.com/asp/rss.asp

Financial companies can stay ahead of their competition and
maximize their time by using RSS to stay up to date on
relevant industry news.

More great examples of Financial Feeds: Finance Investing
RSS Directory - http://www.finance-investing.com Michael
Page -

Sharon Housley manages marketing for FeedForAll
http://www.feedforall.com software for creating, editing,
publishing RSS feeds and podcasts. In addition Sharon
manages marketing for RecordForAll
http://www.recordforall.com audio recording and editing

Five Steps To Finding The Right Bad Credit Credit Card

It used to be that getting a bad credit credit card meant
paying ridiculous interest rates and high annual fees.
Nowadays, that's just not the case. There are many bad
credit credit cards on the market that have low interest
rates and reasonable fees. It's just a matter of knowing
what to look for and what you should expect.

1. Understand What Type of Bad Credit Credit Card You
Qualify For

Before applying for a bad credit credit card, you need to
understand the differences between them. There are two main
types of bad credit credit cards on the market -- secured
and unsecured. A secured bad credit credit card will have
more lenient credit qualifications than an unsecured one.

Most unsecured bad credit credit cards require that you
don't have any late payments or delinquent accounts for a
period of six months before you can qualify. If your credit
problems have been more recent, you're going to want to
look into secured cards rather than the unsecured variety.

2. Review The Interest Rates

When it comes to carrying a bad credit credit card, you
should expect to pay a higher interest rate than you would
if you had good credit. After all, the lender is assuming a
bit of a risk by extending credit to you. They are
compensated for this in the form of a higher interest rate.

That being said, it is important to understand that even if
you do have bad credit, a bad credit credit card should not
hang you out to dry in terms of the interest rate charged.
Some bad credit credit cards charge as little as 9.99
percent while others try to charge interest in excess of 20

I personally would never advise paying more than 16 percent
interest on a bad credit credit card -- preferably less.
Even if your credit is horrible, a secured card is
guaranteed by your security deposit. Because of this, your
interest rate should be lower than it would had you
qualified for an unsecured credit card.

3. Watch Those Fees

Some of the companies that offer a bad credit credit card
will extend an unsecured line of credit with a reasonable
interest rate, but will charge ridiculously high fees.
Because of this, it's very important to understand all of
the costs associated with any bad credit credit card.

Some credit card companies will charge application fees and
processing fees in addition to an annual fee and a monthly
maintenance fee. This is all on top of the interest you
will pay if you don't pay your balances off in full each

When looking for a bad credit credit card, never apply for
one that charges an application fee. Processing fees are
acceptable, as long as they are kept under $70 and are not
charged in addition to an annual fee. If an annual fee is
charged, make sure monthly maintenance fees are not.

4. Read The Fine Print

While it's not common, every once in a while you will run
into a bad credit credit card that doesn't have the best
interests of the consumer in mind. Make sure you read the
fine print and the entire terms and conditions of any
credit card you apply for. While it can be time consuming,
it's definitely worth it if you want to avoid any
unpleasant surprises.

5. Use It Like a Loaded Weapon

It sounds drastic, I know. However, if you're in need of a
bad credit credit card, then something bad happened to your
credit that got you here in the first place. If you want to
avoid future mistakes, you need to be very careful with how
you use the card.

While looking for the right bad credit credit card can be
time consuming and even frustrating to a degree, knowing
exactly what you should expect and the key things to look
for will make it much easier. Keep the above tips in mind
and finding the right bad credit credit card can be much
easier than you may think.

For more tips on bad credit credit cards, saving money and
avoiding getting taken, check out CreditCardTipsEtc.com, a
website that specializes in providing credit card tips,
advice and resources.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Villas in Spain

From sandy beaches, delicious cuisine, rich and varied
culture and exotic vacations – Spain has it all! It's no
wonder that tourists visit this popular destination all
year around. The vacation homes and villas in Spain are
truly spectacular – which makes it an even more enjoyable
vacation experience.

How to look for a suitable villa?

If you are on the lookout for suitable villas in Spain, be
sure to seek the services of a professional real estate
agent. They will help you find the best property, evaluate
its pros and cons and help you tackle legal issues in the
contract. Considering such a gamut of services, the price
you pay is almost negligible. You may not find good quality
villas if you are out looking on your own. To get the best
villas in Spain, it's best to consult a real estate agent.

Things to note while letting your villas in Spain

Once you have found your dream villa and have purchase it,
you will want to let it out during vacation season. This is
the time when you will get ample returns on your initial
investment. However, most owners of villas in Spain find it
very difficult to market their homes to potential tourists.
Especially if they happen to be foreigners, the language
barrier makes it even more difficult to accomplish this.

Optimal pricing: In Europe, the real estate prices of these
villas in Spain have increased rapidly. Renters are far
more discerning these days and know what the going rate is.
Therefore pricing your villa too high for rent may cause
you to lose out on the deal altogether. A reputed real
estate agent can guide you on the optimal price to quote
for letting your villa. Describing your villa: Sometimes,
even the choice of words used to describe your villa for
marketing purposes, can make all the difference. Common
words like 'stunning view' etc are overused and don't
attract renters anymore. A real estate agent knows what
sells in the business and hence can guide you on this
aspect of marketing as well. Let friends rent your villa:
Letting your villas in Spain also means opening up your
personal space to total strangers. This can be an
unsettling experience for many. However, with the guidance
of a real estate agent, this too can be easily solved. Most
of these agents have a steady flow of happy, satisfied
customers who provide repeat business. In fact their
association is so long that they know each other
personally. Letting your villa to the friend of a friend
can really be comforting – at least it's much better than
having a complete stranger in your house! Engaging with a
real estate agent: You can choose to work with any reputed
real estate agent in either of the two ways – on an ad hoc
basis or a full time commitment, at least for the major
part of the peak season. You will also want to engage more
than one agent to market your villas in Spain for better

Steve Magill is the author of numerous articles on the
topic of Spanish real estate. He is a partner in
http://www.buyspain.co.uk and a Fellow in the British
Association of Entrepreneurs (FBAE). He is also an
internationally renowned Spanish property expert.

Payday Loans - There Are Other Options

Most people who get a payday loan do so because they need
money fast. Bills have to be paid to continue utility
services and other necessities. Bank overdraft charges can
be devastating when they begin to accumulate, and payday
loans can seem like a possible solution for short-term
financial difficulties. Before resorting to these instant
cash loans with exorbitant finance charges, you should
consider any other reasonable alternative.

Don't simply assume that you would never be able to get a
loan from your bank or credit union. They know you and
your banking history, and may be willing to overlook some
credit problems and extend you a personal loan anyway. If
your employment history is stable, and you have been at
your current residence for a while, you will have a better
chance of getting a bad credit loan from your banking
institution, as well as other lenders.

If your credit is very poor, a lender may offer you a
secured loan. You will have to provide a tangible asset
that the bank will accept as collateral, that they would be
able to sell to cover their losses if you were to default
on the loan. Many things can be used as collateral for a
secured personal loan. Automobiles, jewelry, stocks and
bonds, rare coins, and numerous other assets can often be
used for security, depending on the standards of the lender.

Many employers extend loans at very competitive interest
rates to their employees. If you are fortunate enough to
have an employer who provides this service, you will
probably find them willing to extend you a loan, even with
sub prime credit. The payments are usually worry free for
the employee, as the employer will only loan an amount
corresponding to your salary level and any retirement plan
you have.

Typically, the loan payments are deducted from your pay by
electronic transfer at regular intervals. An employee loan
can usually be processed quickly, giving you your money
almost as quickly as with a payday loan, with a much more
attractive interest rate. You will likely be able to
borrow more money as well, because the maximum payday loan
amount is usually from $250, up to about $2,000.

Another way to get a loan with bad credit is to get a cash
advance on a credit card. If you obtained the card before
you began to have credit problems, you will likely have a
higher limit on your credit card, and will be able to
borrow an amount that corresponds to your amount of
available credit. Where a payday loan is usually payable
in less than 30 days, a credit card cash advance allows you
to absorb the new debt into your existing account, and will
give you more time to repay the loan.

Borrowing money from friends or family is a sensitive area
for many people. It is, like a payday loan, a last resort
in most cases. It really depends on the relationship you
have with the person from whom you would be borrowing
money. If you choose to get a loan from family or friends,
you should agree on a specific repayment plan so there are
no misunderstandings or hard feelings.

Regardless of where you borrow money, always learn the
details of the loan agreement before you sign anything.
What is the interest rate of the loan or the total amount
of finance charges you will incur? If you are unable to
repay the loan as scheduled, is it possible to roll over
the loan, and what kind of fee will you pay for the
additional time. If you resort to getting a payday loan,
compare several lenders and choose one that offers the
amount of money you need at lowest possible cost. Finally,
you should continue to improve your credit; the better your
credit score, the more options you will have when borrowing
money in the future.

Gregg Pennington writes articles on a variety of topics
including payday loans, bad credit loans, and other sources
of money available online. For more information about
payday loans and cash advance loans visit

Options Trading Strategies

Webster's Dictionary defines the term strategy as " 1 a)
the science of planning and directing larger scale military
operations, specifically (as distinguished from TACTICS) of
maneuvering forces into the most advantageous position
prior to actual engagement with the enemy b) a plan or
action based on this. 2 a) skill in managing or planning,
especially by using stratagems b) a stratagem or artful
means to some end.

When applying a definition to investing in the market, we
want to pay particular attention to the words "maneuvering
into the most advantageous position prior to actual
engagement" and the words "skill in managing or planning
especially by using stratagems."

Picking a stock or group of stocks is only half the battle.
Making the most from the chosen investment opportunity is
the other half. This is where your strategy comes in.

The wrong strategy even when applied to the right
opportunity can produce increased risk, decreased profits
and even potential loss. Therefore, understanding and
applying the proper strategy is critical.

The actual selection of an investment opportunity from
those offered normally depends on the type and style of
research the investor favors and deems necessary.

This selection process, or "investment selection
protocols," is a checklist of different types and pieces of
data that are favored by the individual investor. These
pieces of data can consist of charts, indicators,
oscillators, fundamental analysis, news or even tips.

Each investor has his/her own investment selection
protocol. As an investor, once you complete this process
and choose your investment opportunity, your strategy takes
over. Inherent in the selection of the stock is expectation.

Every investor has some expectation for any chosen
opportunity. Therefore a strategy must be selected which
best fits those expectations.

The proper strategy will be the strategy thay allows for
the highest possible return with the least amount of risk
and the best possible protection that can be afforded.

Obviously, since every opportunity will have a somewhat
different expectation along with different variables
surrounding it, each opportunity should have a different
"ideal" strategy. By and large, when choosing a stock to
invest in, most investors look to purchase a stock they
think will go up. The directional play is as good a place
as any to start our discussion of option strategies.

An option is a derivative trading product that is best used
by investors as a hedging tool providing profit protection
and profit enhancement. Although it is a powerful risk
management tool, it can also be used effectively as a
stand-alone trading vehicle.

Under the proper conditions, options do not have to be
paired with stock or another option to be an effective
trading tool. To successfully trade naked options, an
investor must realize that certain options will fit certain
scenarios and certain options will not.

One of the major misconceptions that investors have about
options stems from the fact that most do not know how to
trade them properly. When they lose money trading them,
they feel that there is something wrong with the option.
They do not understand that options are on a higher, more
sophisticated level when compared to stocks.

This Article Provided By The Options University: Options
Trading Strategies For Safer Investing and Consistent
Profits. Discover how to protect your investments with the
leveraged power of options. Step-by-step video tutorials,
articles, free and premium trading content can be found at:

Saturday, July 28, 2007

How Debt Consolidation Can Actually Improve Your Credit Score

Debt consolidation is one of many approaches to helping to
manage overwhelming debt. When used properly, it can not
only help you cope with high debt, it can even be the first
step in financial recovery and a debt-free lifestyle.
There's one other thing you might not know about debt
consolidation. It can actually help your credit score.

Debt consolidation is not the same thing as debt
settlement, debt management, or bankruptcy. Debt
consolidation actually sounds counter-intuitive. To
consolidate your debts, you roll all of your debts together
and then take out a giant loan to pay off the individual
debts. In a sense, you exchange many smaller debts for one
colossal debt.

So how does that help? It helps if you happen to have a lot
of debts at higher interest rates that you can consolidate
or re-package in a loan at a lower interest rate. For
instance, if you take a bunch of credit card debts at rates
of 16% to 20% and beyond and consolidate them in a loan for
10%, that translates into paying less every month.

Even better (for debt-free thinking) you can pay the same
amount you were already used to paying but because interest
rates are lower, you're knocking out more of the principal
with each payment. Bottom line: your debt gets paid faster.

If you own a home, you can refinance your home and possibly
re-package those debts at a very favorable, mortgage-type
single-digit interest rate.

Debt consolidation is not for everyone. Not everyone can
qualify; if your credit is already battered, you may not be
able to get another loan, much less a big one. Debt
consolidation is easier if you own a house, but that's not
required. However, there are people who will simply not be
able to swing it.

But if you can consolidate your debt and you're considering
that versus other financial options, you need to know that
most debt settlement plans and certainly bankruptcy will
leave a bad mark on your credit report.

Debt consolidation can help it.

Here's how. Your credit score is actually a fluctuating
number that is maintained by three main organizations:
Experian, EquiFax, and TransUnion. All of these companies
have a formula for your credit score and each formula is a
little bit different. However, they all arrive at a number
(your score) based on a variety of factors.

One factor is how well you pay off the debt you have. This
score is very heavily weighted, making up about a third of
your overall score. It looks at whether you pay your debt
on time or late and if you make payments or flake out.

If you consolidate your debt you take out one new loan and
then pay off a bunch of smaller loans. This hits your
credit score favorably: you have paid off some
loans….probably earlier than required. That's a good thing.

A consolidated debt should also make paperwork at your
house a lot easier. Instead of having to receive and write
checks for a dozen or more bills a month, you have fewer
debts (although it's much bigger). This reduces the
likelihood of late payments or missed bills. That also can
help your credit score.

Another important factor weighed in your credit score is
how much credit you have available to you versus how much
you are currently using. Being maxed out everywhere is bad
for your credit score. If you have credit but aren't
inclined to use every bit extended to you, that helps your

If you consolidate your debt, you immediately pay off a
bunch of debts. If those debts are credit cards, for
instance, you still have available credit. In fact, you're
just increased your available credit by paying off the
card. That counts in your favor, too.

Last but not least, the philosophy behind debt
consolidation is one of re-organizing or re-structuring
debt, not simply trying to walk away from it or get a court
to force creditors to write it off. Although it may not be
called debt consolidation when businesses do it, large
companies frequently have to re-structure debt to operate
more efficiently. It is a standard business practice, one
that makes good financial sense, and its primary purpose is
to be sure that all creditors are paid in full according to
the terms of the loan.

In other words, debt consolidation preserves your good name
and your integrity. If you consolidate your debt, you
credit report does not suffer. In fact, the credit report
people may not even really know that you're consolidating
debt. As long as you pay off what you owe, how you manage
your money is your business.

Most other debt plans immediately go on your credit report.
If you've tried to negotiate or settle a debt (work out a
plan to pay less), expect that to get reported. Businesses
want to warn each other that you might be the kind of
person to make charges and try to find a way not to pay
according to the terms you agreed to.

Bankruptcy is even worse on your credit report. It can be
reported to future creditors for seven to ten years after
the event. Many potential lenders won't extend credit to
you if you have a recent bankruptcy and even those who will
may be very meager and demand exorbitant interest. After
all, you're now a "high risk" borrower.

The good news for everyone is that the credit score is a
moving target. It changes constantly and no one event,
whether it's a late payment or a bankruptcy, will affect
your credit score forever. The credit score is also a
composite picture of how well you handle money versus how
poorly you handle it. Do enough good things with your money
and your credit will improve, even if you've made mistakes
in the past.

Here are some general rules of thumb for a good credit
score: • You must have and use credit. A person who has
never taken out a loan or paid off a debt can be the most
reliable person in the world but he'll have trouble getting
a loan. • However, you should have more credit at your
disposal than you actually use. Maxing out is not a good
thing. • Pay your bills on time and don't miss payments. •
Don't default on a loan, skip out on paying a debt, or go
into a program that tries to settle or negotiate your debt.
This gets reported. • Avoid bankruptcy, if possible. This
is not always possible, but view bankruptcy as a last-ditch
solution not a first choice.

Need to know more about debt consolidation? Visit
http://www.debt-consolidation-diva.com for lots of straight
talk about debt consolidation. Debt consolidation is not
suitable for everyone and some people won't qualify for it,
but for those who do, it can be a great solution for
managing overwhelming debt. Judy Kuhns contributes to
Debt-Consolidation-Diva and other sites.

Five Ways to Increase the Value of Your Commercial Real Estate Property

If you are thinking about purchasing commercial real
estate, it's important to know that there are things that
you can do to enhance and increase the value of your
investment. As such, when you search for a commercial
property, look at the property's potential in addition to
its historical data.

Because the value of commercial real estate is primarily
driven by the cash flow that the property generates, any
strategy you employ has the potential to increase your cash
flow, decrease your expenses, and increase your overall
equity and the value of the property. Below are five
strategies you should consider when determining how you can
make the most out of your commercial real estate investment.

1) Make Improvements to the Property

Improvements can take the form of cosmetic improvements or
substantial rehabilitation. Cosmetic improvements include
such things as new paint or wallpaper, new décor to the
common elements, new landscaping, new carpeting/flooring,
etc. Substantial rehabilitation involves making structural
improvements to the property – for example a substantial
rehab may involve redoing all the units of a multifamily
property, or changing the structural façade of a shopping
center, or making major renovations to the lobby of a large
office building. In any case, you increase the value of
the property for not only your tenants, but for your own
portfolio as well.

2) Increase Rent

The value of your commercial real estate property can also
be increased by increasing the rent. In reviewing the
historical data on a property, take notice of whether the
tenants are paying market rent or whether there is
potential for a reasonable mark up in rents. Determine how
the improvements you make to the property can justify your
rent increase. Pay close attention to both the upper and
lower level of rents that are being charged for similarly
situated types of real estate so you don't price yourself
out of the market.

3) Decrease Expenses

Evaluate the historical operating statements of the
property to determine if there are areas where you can
decrease the expenses. For example, perhaps improving the
property with more energy efficient light bulbs in the
common areas will drastically reduce your monthly
electrical bills. Or perhaps you find that the gas company
can individually meter the units so that instead of paying
for the gas, you can fairly pass that expense onto the
tenants. In the vast majority of instances, a commercial
property owner can cut expenses without significantly
impacting the operations of the real estate itself.

4) Alter or Change the Property's Intended Usage

Often times, changing the use of a commercial real estate
property can drastically change the value of the property.
For example, suppose you find an old industrial warehouse
in the middle of a bustling epicenter. Instead of keeping
it as an industrial warehouse, you can seek a zoning
variance to convert that warehouse to a hotel, or a condo
building, or an office building, or any commercial use that
makes sense for that location.

5) Add Amenities

Finally, you can also consider adding amenities to the
property to make it more appealing and valuable. Value
enhancing amenities can include something simple like
creating a playground in a multifamily property or adding
free wireless Internet for your retail tenants. Or you can
add more extravagant amenities like a daycare center in
your office building or an outdoor courtyard in a hotel

In sum, when scouting for commercial properties, look
beyond the historical data and see what strategies YOU can
employ to make the property more valuable. Know your
property's potential before you close the deal. The best
deals are made when you buy a property, not when you sell a

Contributed by VEC Financial Group.
The VEC Financial Group (VEC) is dedicated to providing
commercial mortgage and business financing to property
owners and entrepreneurs across the country. VEC Financial
provides these services by connecting the right broker with
the right borrower, who ultimately finances with the right

So why invest in Dubai property?

Dubai is now being recognized as the business, leisure and
sporting capital of the Middle East. Overseas property
buyers and its millions of visitors each year are attracted
to the liberal attitude and relaxed environment. Live and
let live is the feel of Dubai where the majority of the 1.5
million populations are in fact expatriates.

Doing business in Dubai is surprisingly easy with minimal
bureaucracy and a can do attitude that makes Dubai an
attractive place for big business. The country wants inward
investment and to increase its population. Politically
stability and low crime are also one of the features of
Dubai. International visitors feel safe and the presence of
heavily armed police and army is not present in Dubai. How
this state has achieved such an oasis of tranquility is
remarkable. The ruling Royal family are admired and spoken
highly by the people of Dubai. It may be the lack of
political interventions or political parties in Dubai that
may indeed make this place harmony.

The climate in Dubai is sub tropical and arid rain is seen
during the winter months of December to March. The average
temperature is between 10-30 degrees Celsius and can reach
up to 48 degrees in July and August.

International investors buying property in Dubai include
Russian, British, Indian and Pakistani investors. The
French are now seeing the potential of this region and I
anticipate will also become one of the major investors in
this region.

Investors from the Middle East and United Arab Emirates are
amongst the earliest investors. Buying property in Dubai as
an overseas buyer is quite straightforward. The majority of
real estate in Dubai is available off plan or pre
construction. Typically as property developers launch a
project there is flurry of activity amongst investors.
Seasoned investors have speculated about the bubble
bursting in the Dubai real estate market.

Oversupply has led to concerns by overseas property
investors. In 2010 the number of homes in the region is set
to double to 530,000. The commercial sector is also
expanding at a rapid rate with office space set to triple,
so who is going to buy all this real estate? Dubai Property
Executives explain how Dubai is as great place to invest.

Nakheel is a government backed property developer Chief
Executive Chris O'Donnell 'People do get a little concerned
about Dubai, thinking we are just building and hoping we
will sell the product on completion. But we sell product
prior to starting construction. Everything you see at Palm
Jumeriah has been sold" Property Developers Dubai
Properties Chief Executive Mohammed Binbrek "We do not
begin until the units are sold and then we ask for a 70%
deposit." When asks if he thought the Dubai market would
crash with so much construction he replied " Around 40% of
the population is under 20 add this factor to a population
that is growing it implies much more houses.

With so much construction planned to make Dubai the city of
the future it is a great time to buy property in Dubai

Nicholas Marr is a lifetime property investor and CEO of
Marr International Ltd a UK based property marketing
company that is responsible for one of the worlds leading
overseas property web sites at
and http://www.dubaihomes4sale.co.uk/

Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR). How is it used in Commercial Real Estate Financing?

If you are new to commercial real estate financing, you
will undoubtedly find that there are a number of important
terms and ratios that one should understand when evaluating
a property. One of these terms is "debt service coverage
ratio," otherwise known as DSCR. DSCR is commonly used by
commercial lenders as the benchmark to determine whether a
property's cash flow will support the loan request that the
lender is considering for financing.

How to Calculate Debt Service Coverage Ratio

The debt service coverage ratio is calculated as follows:

DSCR = Net Operating Income / Annual Debt Service

What Does the DSCR Mean?

Let's say that your DSCR is 1. This means that your
property's cash flow is just enough to make your annual
mortgage payments. If it is less than 1, that means your
property is not generating enough cash flow to support the
debt payments on the property. In such a case, this
negative cash flow would require the owner of the property
to reach into his/her own pockets to cover the difference.
If the DSCR is greater than 1, then your property's cash
flow should be sufficient to cover the annual debt service.

How Do Lenders Evaluate DSCR?

Put simply, the higher the debt service coverage ratio, the
lower the risk to the lender. Most commercial lenders in
the industry are comfortable with underwriting loans with a
DSCR of 1.2. A DSCR of 1.2 means that your property's cash
flow is generating at least 1.2 times the annual debt
service on your property. Converting this to dollars means
that for every dollar that you are spending towards your
debt payments, you are bringing in $1.20. To the lender,
this means you have more than enough net cash to support
your mortgage payments.

Why is it Important to Understand DSCR?

It's important to understand DSCR because what you think is
your DSCR might not be what the lender thinks it should be.
Let's say, for example, that you submit your loan
application to a commercial lender who requires a DSCR of
1.2. You believe your property meets that requirement.
But in the lender's review of the property's historical
operating statements, they find that there are several
revenue items that are not common occurrences, or several
items of expenses that should have been included in your
operating expenses. What lenders often do is "normalize"
the expenses and income. When this happens, their
calculation of DSCR may be much lower than you had
anticipated, thus making your property ineligible for
financing by that lending institution.

Make Sure You Know Your Property's DSCR

Because the DSCR is such a critical factor in a lender's
decision to approve a loan, as a commercial real estate
investor, you may want to seek the assistance of a
qualified commercial mortgage or finance broker who can
help you pre-underwrite your loan scenario BEFORE
submitting the application to any lender. The
pre-underwriting analysis will not only help you prepare
and address any obstacles that may come in your path, but
the analysis will also demonstrate to the lender that you
are serious about your application and that you have done
your due diligence. There is so much capital available for
commercial real estate investors. Just be sure to do your
homework and the financing will follow!

Contributed by VEC Financial Group.
The VEC Financial Group (VEC) is dedicated to providing
commercial mortgage and business financing to property
owners and entrepreneurs across the country. VEC Financial
provides these services by connecting the right broker with
the right borrower, who ultimately finances with the right

Dubai a spectacular place to invest

Dubai is a spectacular place to visit and to enjoy the
warmth of its people. What is even more impressive is the
developments that are taking place their. These include the
world's biggest theme parks, the world's tallest buildings,
and the world's largest shopping malls the list goes on and
on. Most of the housing available to international
investors is available off plan or pre construction. People
have been making huge profits already as prices soar owing
to construction cost increases, demand and because many
developers sold too cheaply.

International investors buying property in Dubai include
Russian, British Indian and Pakistani investors. A
percentage of United Arab Emirates buyers along with other
Middle Eastern investors got in on the action early. One
notable section of international real estate buyers is the
United States.

Seasoned investors have speculated about the bubble
bursting in the Dubai real estate market. Oversupply has
led to concerns by overseas property investors. In 2010 the
number of homes in the region is set to double to 530,000.
The commercial sector is also expanding at a rapid rate
with office space set to triple, so who is going to buy all
this real estate? Dubai Property Executives explain how
Dubai is as good market with a better future and allay
fears of the apparent oversupply in Dubai property.

Nakheel developer Chief Executive Chris O'Donnell 'People
do get a little concerned about Dubai, thinking we are just
building and hoping we will sell the product on completion.
But we sell product prior to starting construction.
Everything you see at Palm Jumeriah has been sold" The
Australian born CEO goes on to explain that his company
will not commence a project until it has reached a
threshold percentage that gives them a cash flow to enable
them to build.

Property Developers Dubai Properties Chief Executive
Mohammed Binbrek "We do not begin until the units are sold
and then we ask for a 70% deposit." When asks if he thought
the Dubai market would crash with so much construction he
replied " Around 40% of the population is under 20 add this
factor to a population that is growing it implies much more

Jones Lang LaSalle executive Mark Thomas specialises in the
residential market his response to worries concerning over
supply was "We are asked that every day the answer is that
demand from overseas is still coming. What has happened is
price appreciation has slowed from 30 to 40 per cent to 10%
per year. Land sale prices are holding up and are active"

The current rental yields on Dubai real estate are high by
global standards at 7-10 per cent which reflect the fact
that this is a new and immature market. In the long run a
return to rental yields more in line with comparable
international markets should be expected.

Nicholas Marr is a lifetime property investor and CEO of
Marr International Ltd a UK based property marketing
company that is responsible for one of the worlds leading
overseas property web sites at
and http://www.dubaihomes4sale.co.uk/

Friday, July 27, 2007

Commercial Mortgage Broker Commission Split. There has to be a better way.

Let me paint you a picture of the perfect world. A world
in which you'd have all the clients you could ever want.
You'd be able to pick and choose the clients you'd work
with. You don't have to work on every loan deal that comes
along just to make a buck. In this world, every loan
closes, your client is happy, and you take home 100% of the
commission. Did I mention they give you a referral the
very next week! Don't we wish it worked this way?

In reality, you work hard for every loan deal, and they are
far from perfect. Then there's the issue of who gets paid
what out of your commission. Usually you lose money every
day because of commission split, so you must charge your
clients more to make up the difference. The higher fees
offset the experience and knowledge a broker brings to the
deal and that makes it less beneficial for a borrower to
use a broker.

While there is no true "industry standard" for how
commissions are split, what we know is that it is industry
standard to split commission. The split may be 25%, 30%,
50%, or more. Maybe it's a point here or a point there.
The split may be with the lender, a referral agent, a
brokerage house, or a number of others. When it comes
right down to it, the split costs you money and therefore
costs your client money. There must be a way to provide
the best service with the best loan product and charge the
client a reasonable fee.

What does it look like when someone takes a percentage of
your commission? Most brokers know it all too well, but
take a look at the table below for a look at the hard
dollars lost from a potential commission split. In this
example, the loan value is $1,000,000, the commission is
3%, and the split is 50%.

LOAN VALUE- $1,000,000.00

ORIGINATION POINTS (3%)-$30,000.00

SPLIT (50%)-$15,000.00



If you didn't have to split your commission you would have
the opportunity to charge a little less commission and
still make more money. That would result in a happy client
and happy clients give referrals and I don't have to tell
you that referrals mean more money. On top of that, if we
make it cost effective, that client may just come back to
you for the refinancing and for the loan on their next
property. Sounds like a win-win for everyone.

The question is why do we split commissions? You remember
the guy in high school who didn't participate in group
projects and still got the A? How did it make you feel for
someone to do none of the work and still get the credit?
Commission split is the same thing. Trust me the people
you are splitting commissions with make a lot more money
from other sources. Your commission may be your only
source of income. It's how you feed your family and put
gas in your car. If you do the work, you should get the
reward. I remember my years waiting tables and bartending.
I would split my tips with the bus boy, but at least he
cleaned the tables. What are you paying for when you split
commission: referrals, overhead expenses, marketing? I
don't know about you, but I already split my paycheck with
someone and they take a big enough piece of the pie. That
is good ole Uncle Sam. The difference is that he provides
a service called freedom and the American Way of Life.

Examine your business and determine how much of your
earnings you're sharing with others. What can you do this
year retain more of your commissions? If we can minimize or
eliminate the need to split commissions we can better serve
our clients without being forced to charge a high
commission. The next time you have to give away your hard
earned dollars to a commission split, ask yourself what you
are getting for the money and how much more you have to
charge your client just to make an honest dollar. Being a
broker is about serving clients and providing solutions for
fair compensation. Without them I would be back waiting

Contributed by: Patrick Bedall, Vice President, VEC
Financial Group
The VEC Financial Group (VEC) was created to solve the
problems facing mortgage brokers and to provide the tools,
support, and clients required to be successful. Together
with the Commercial Real Estate Investors Network (CREI) we
are changing the commercial finance industry.

What's the difference between Anticipation and Prediction?

There are lots of signal services, newsletters, and trading
rooms offering predictions for the coming days, weeks and
months ahead on what the market is going to do. It's a very
tempting proposition to give subscribers a peace of mind on
what the market is about to happen. Some believe it is
possible to see what the market will do and subscribers do
follow these services. Unfortunately, predictions don't
exist even if these advisors are seers. No one can make the
correct predictions even 50% of the time consistently,
market is either goes up or goes down.

When traders anticipate what the market will do, is it the
same as prediction? Prediction is declaring something will
happen exactly in the future with only one outcome while
anticipation is to give thought in advance to all possible
outcomes. Anticipation requires dealing with problems
before they arrive; prediction is expecting something to
happen without dealing with. Prediction tends to take a
bias or position while anticipate requires careful thought
of what might happen: good or bad.

An example of the anticipation is when the trader is
watching the prices rising and approaching an old
resistance level. He anticipates that the prices may either
continue or reverse. He has to make preparations to deal
with both scenarios. One is to prepare for the breakout and
continue to the upside, he has to determine at which price
he will go long and where the stop loss will be place. If
the prices reverse, he has to determine where the short
entry will be as well as the stop loss. These scenarios
prepare him for the next price movements, anticipating what
other traders will do when the prices get to the resistance
level. If he predicts what prices will do, say, has been
going up and continue to go up. He has no plans for the
possible reversal. He is focused only on the uptrend move
and no on the possible reversal or the consolidation. These
scenarios must be constantly considered and planned as the
markets continually evolve. This mentality makes a
tremendous difference between a successful trader and a
losing trader.

Predicting is a loser's game, feeding the need to be right
instead of the need to make money. The ego many times is
the culprit to show off to other traders how good he is at
predicting the market direction. In trading, ego and
profitability cannot co-exist. If it's not ego, most
traders will look for one direction and then use evidence
to support that bias ignoring the evidence that may support
the opposite direction. This bias is predicting the future.
It tends to carry the mindset until after the trade is
made. It may be a profitable trade, but eventually the
trader is so convinced of this bias that when trade fails,
he'll have no alternative in preparing for the loss.

One of the desired traits of a successful trader is his
ability to prepare of all possible outcomes, imagining the
scenarios the market may do, up or down, before the trade
is made. He knows he cannot predict but he can calculate
the probabilities of the market going one way or another.
In anticipating the outcome, he has a plan for one outcome
or another. What happens if the market goes against his
position, where will he exit? What happens if the market
goes in favor of his position, where should he exit to take

Anticipating is preparation for both outcomes, good or bad.
Calculating how much to lose just as important as how much
to expect to win. This means the trader will identify in
the chart where he'll see the entry point and two exit
points (stop loss and profit target). By having this
method, he can identify his risk-to-reward ratio as well as
the probability of the success of the trade.

So how do we overcome this dilemma? Probabilities can be
made found through rigorous testing historical data based
on strategies that the trader plans to trade with them.
Finding statistics to back his notion that the strategy
works will give him confidence in approaching the market
and give the mindset to anticipate and not predict the
outcomes. One way is the see the market as it is showing
us either by the price action or by indicator.

Recognize that prices or indicator can change direction at
anytime. By using statistics to make an educated guess, the
trader can find which direction the market will likely go.
But probability cannot guarantee the desired outcome. This
means a backup plan must be in place, i.e. a stop loss, in
case that desired outcome doesn't happen. This is the
reason why successful traders have stop loss in place. A
stop loss is a deciding factor that determines if the
outcome has worked or not. The trader must accept that the
market will always be right and trying to be right will
prevent the trader from being one with the market and go
with the flow.

Larry Swing is the President of the popular day and swing
trading site http://www.mrswing.com/ a place where you can
find free daily articles and videos covering education,
market analysis and picks from Larry and other well known
traders in the industry.

Portfolio Turnover - The Hidden Cost of Active Management

The activities undertaken by an active fund manager
normally result in higher annual management charges. This
is what you would expect as they must carry out more
research and analysis than a passive "manager". However,
what few clients fail to appreciate is, the buying and
selling of shares within a fund also incurs costs and these
subsequently impact detrimentally on performance.

This is known as the "performance drag".

A Financial Services Authority (FSA) report* authored by
Kevin James undertook to quantify the costs of trading to
determine the performance drag. He concluded that the cost
of a "round trip" trade in the UK was 1.8%. A "round trip"
is the selling of one company's shares and replacing them
with another for the same value. For example selling
£10,000 worth of Barclays' shares and replacing them by
buying £10,000 worth of HSBC shares.

Let's look at a breakdown of the costs:

- Commission 0.3%

- Bid/Offer Spread 0.75%

- Price Impact 0.25%

- Stamp Duty 0.5%

Major studies elsewhere in the world have concluded similar
results**. The headline figures were lower but they did not
include Stamp Duty as Stamp Duty is only payable on UK

A Government commissioned report into retail investments by
Paul Myners estimates that portfolio turnover costs UK
investors £2.5 billion each year. The UK has only recently
fallen into step with the rest of the world in making it
compulsory for fund managers to disclose their portfolio
turnover. This revealed that many of the best selling UK
funds have portfolio turnover rates of between 100% and

If the portfolio turnover rate of a UK fund was 100% this
would "cost" the client 1.8% in Performance Drag.

The impact of charges has never been more important in
arranging an investment portfolio. If the explicit annual
fund management charges are 2% and the implicit costs of
portfolio turnover is a further 2% then this means 4% is
being wasted in charges. Charges of this level were masked
by the double digit returns of the eighties and nineties
but as the stockmarket returns to its long term average,
losing 4% per annum will have a significant impact on the
actual returns clients receive.

In addition, studies in the US*** concluded that the higher
charges associated with portfolio turnover were not
recovered by better performance.

*Financial Services Authority (FSA) Occasional Paper 6<br>
**Wilcox (1993) 1.2%, Carhart (1997) 0.95%, Orton (1999)
1%, James (2000) 1.3%<br> ***Performance of Mutual Funds, J
Chalmers, R Edelen & G Kadlec Nov 1999<br> <br> The
Financial Tips Bottom Line

As you are probably not aware what the turnover rate is on
your investment funds, the easy reaction could be to simply
ignore it.

The good news is that the information IS available, and you
can get hold of it by contacting your fund provider(s) and
asking them. The details are normally contained in their
fund prospectus.

You'll then be able to see the additional costs levied,
which will help you decide how to invest your money in the

Ray Prince is an Independent Financial Planner with
Rutherford Wilkinson plc, and helps UK Resident Doctors and
Dentists get the best deals on mortgages, protection and
investments, as well as helping them achieve their
financial objectives. Just visit
http://www.medicaldentalfs.com to get your free retirement
planning guide. Rutherford Wilkinson plc is authorised and
regulated by the Financial Services Authority.

How To Stage A House For The Market

Faster Sale More Profit Stage It.

Staging is the process of getting a house ready to sell.

It is an important step; it is almost as important as
pricing. Many For Sale by Owners make a mistake; they just
put a sign in the yard and hope for a buyer. When you sell
by owner, it takes careful preparation and planning.
In this article I'll show you how to stage the house for
the market so you sell faster and make more money.

The overall condition and appearance of a house is
important in determining how fast it will sell and how much
the buyer will pay.

Curb appeal is make or break.

Many buyers won't view a house that doesn't have curb
Others are unable to look beyond your belongings once
they're in the house.

Buyers start making buying decisions at the curb. If a
house doesn't have curb appeal, you've lost a buyer.

You Never Get A Second Chance To Make A First Impression.

Buyers have built in discount clocks that start ticking at
the curb.

They look for ways to reject your house and ways to
discount your price.
The buyer's discount clock is always ticking.

Tic, Tic, Tic . . .

• Is the driveway clear and clean?

• Is the side walk free from clutter?

• Is the lawn mowed and edged?

• Is the house inviting?

• Is the sidewalk clean and clear?

Tic, Tic, Tic . . .

• Is the mailbox painted?

• Are box numbers easy to read?

• Are house numbers easy to read?

• Would colorful floors at the front door add appeal?

• Is the front door clean, new or newly painted?

• Is the entry porch clean and clear of stuff?

Does it sound like a pain, tending to all the details?

You do want top dollar don't you?

Once inside the house ask yourself:

• Is the entry inviting?

• Is it well lit? Consider using full spectrum lighting.

• Is it clean and free of clutter?

• Would mirrors make the space seem larger?

You have to detach from the house.

The house is a property, not your "home." Refer to it as a
house, not your home. You are preparing the house, not your
home, for the market. Make the distinction, it will help
you stage the house.
Is the buyer mentally moving in?

It's imperative that a buyer sees himself/herself as living
in the house. If they like the house, they'll mentally move

You want the buyer to start thinking of it as their home.

You have to get rid of family portraits that line the
stairs and halls.
Too many personal memories can actually make the buyer feel
guilty about taking you away from your home.
Memory lanes are psychological turn offs for the buyer. You
don't want distractions.

You plan to move after you sell right?

• Start packing before you put the house on the market.

• Box up nicknacks, photos and stuff.

• Thin out.

• Box it.

• Store it.

• Have a garage sale.

• Streamline.

• Less clutter creates a sense of space.

• Less stuff makes a house inviting.

Come on, you can do it.

Consider storing or selling some of your furniture. Create
wide walking spaces. Recliners and sofas, are great for
living, but terrible for showing. Clear walking areas. Make
the rooms appear larger.

Visit model homes. Notice how sparsely they're furnished.
This creates a sense of spaciousness. Go home and start
weeding out your excess furniture and clutter.

Lots of lights.

Be sure there are working bulbs in all light fixtures.
Consider full spectrum lighting as it gives a nice natural
light without starkness. Turn on lights for showings.

Clear counters:

Goodbye toasters and kitchen appliances. Make the kitchen
sparkle. Clean stove, broiler and oven. Clean the back
splash. Buyers notice.

Bathrooms must sparkle:

• No wet towels.

• No toilet articles left out.

• Clean mirrors and shower doors.


• Beds made.

• Neat closets.

• Pick up clothes.

• Pack most of your clothes.

• Remove excess furniture.

• Create a sense of roominess.

If buyers are thinking move in, help them.

Open blinds and drapes and put a bouquet of cheery flowers
on the table.

The garage counts too:

Clean the garage floor. Grease spots are a turn off.
Get rid of tools. Pack, hang or store them.

Would you buy this house? in its present condition, for
the price you're asking?

If your answer is not a resounding YES; then reconsider
your price or improve conditions.

Consider hiring a professional decorator.

The Final List

• All Guns and jewelry put in a safe deposit box.

• Put away dog and children's toys.

• Professionally clean all windows.

• Fresh paint pays for itself.

• Heat cinnamon in the oven - not necessary but nice.

• Dresser drawers orderly.

• Music - I vote no, buyers may hate your selection.

In summary you'll want to:

• Create Openness try to make the house bright and cheery.

• Create spacious walking areas. Make everything shine.

• Approximate the look of a model home.

• Make a guest book.

• Make a flyer.

Good Luck Selling Your House.

Wee Dilts created the original for sale by owner flat fee
MLS program, authored the best selling "How to Sell Real
Estate by Owner" book, and has assisted FSBOS since 1983.
Colorado For Sale by Owners can register for MLS, purchase
her book, or download Free FSBO tips at
Have a FSBO questions? Send it to fsbofriend@msn.com

Your Credit Score: FICO Plans to Eliminate Authorized Credit Card User Accounts - Part 3

Do you realize that in our country you are penalized for
practicing good money management habits? Think about it.

If you paid for your own college education and refused to
fall into the credit card trap that uses lenders to
purposely suck the financial life out of naïve students,
you might graduate debt free and have no credit history.

When you want to buy a vehicle on credit or a home with a
mortgage, you could not get a loan without a credit
repayment history and a decent FICO credit score.

For years young adults with no credit history, limited
credit history or blemished credit history have worked
around the problem by having someone with good
credit-usually a parent, spouse or good friend-added as an
authorized user to their credit card.

Once the authorized user is added, his or her credit card
payment history is added to the account, giving the
original card holder a higher credit score and access to
loans and better loan terms.

All of this is about to end as Fair Isaac (the developer of
the FICO credit score) will create a new scoring formula to
eliminate the authorized user tactic. Learn what you can do
to protect yourself.

Fair Isaac is taking the action because it estimates that
30% of the 165 million consumers with credit cards have
authorized users on their accounts.

Once the new system is implemented in mid-2008, millions of
authorized users will see their credit scores decline or go
into free fall. Authorized users with no credit history of
their own will see their credit scores disappear. Those
hurt the most may be young adults and married women.

Here are some tactics these two population groups can use
to fight back:

1) If married and listed on your spouse's account apply for
a credit card in your own name.

2) Apply for a revolving credit card from a department
store or other retailer as they are easier to get because
they generally have lower credit limits and higher interest

3) Apply for a secured credit card because you put money
into an account in advance to cover your card transactions.
If you default on your payment, the lender debits your
account to cover the payment.

Sometimes secured credit cards become unsecured credit
cards when you pay timely over a period of time. In some
cases, you may even get back the initial deposit in the
secured account plus interest.

4) Try to keep your balance below 30% of your available
credit as this credit utilization will improve your credit

You can research fees and other features of credit cards at


(Note: This is the last of a 3-Part Series.)

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Past Events with Analysis and Commentary on Movie Reviews,
Sports, Lessons in Life, News and Comment, Jobs and Careers
and Internet Marketing intended to Delight, Inform, Educate
and Motivate You the Reader. Find Ed's Blog at:

Montenegro property a home for all

International real estate buyers considering buying
property abroad need to consider Montenegro. This Adriatic
State has witnessed a flurry of activity from those keen to
get a foothold on a relatively new market. Investors
looking for a quick Buck and those who like renovation
projects are now being replaced by buyers who want a home
of their own in the region. Resale property market is as
yet untested brand new off plan properties are a great way
to enter this soon to explode property hotspot

Montenegro it is one of the most southern European states
and faces the south part of the Adriatic Sea. About 500km
from Rome, 1.500 km from Paris, and Berlin, and about
2.000km west from Moscow, Montenegro lies on the Balkan
Peninsula in the very heart of Europe.

So what is the attraction of owning a property in
Montenegro? The regions natural unspoilt beauty that
includes beaches, mountains, and fjords makes this place a
visitor's paradise.

History has seen that where tourism thrives so does the
overseas property market. It makes sense that those who
fall in love with a place whilst on holiday will want to
have a more permanent place their. Potential buyers will
also see that other tourist love the region and this fact
may mean that a property bought in Montenegro could provide
an income. The World Travel and Tourism Council reports
that Montenegro visitor numbers are anticipated to rise on
average 9.9 per cent each year until 2015

My top tips when buying a property in Montenegro all
revolve around using a truly independent and reputable law
firm to conduct the buying process. Title can be an issue
and the last thing you want is someone claiming it's their
land after you have paid your money. Your lawyer will
examine the title deeds this is hugely important with land
being taken from its owners in communist times and split up
into parcels of land for the poor. The original owners may
want to stake a claim to what was threes.

Overseas buyers should familiarise themselves with popular
regions including one of Montenegro property hot spots in
Kotor Bay and the town of Kotor.

The relatively new market is proving to be a great place
for all types of international buyers and all indications
point to the continuing success in the region. A word of
warning is that this region is attracting the wealthy and
in a few years time property may only be the t is easy to
see why.

Nicholas Marr is CEO of Marr International Ltd a UK based
property marketing company who are responsible for the
overseas property website at http://www.homesgofast.com