Credit Report Disputes can take up to 60 days to remove.
The 3 credit Bureaus don't make it easy to get items
removed. Make sure after you have got your Free Credit
Score Report and reviewed what is not correct you only
dispute once. Every time you dispute an item the dispute
gets put back into the 30 to 60 day window again. I am sure
you have heard to send in your disputes via certified mail,
but I personal have done it on-line for clients. We get the
result done actually quicker, and no mail cost involved.
Let's assume you don't have internet access for some reason
then you must send your dispute to the bureaus via mail.
Here are addresses for disputing and phone numbers:
P.O. Box 740256
Alanta, GA 30374
(800) 797-7033
P.O. Box 9595
Allen, TX 75013
(800) 583-4080
Trans Union
P.O. Box 2000
Chester, PA 19022-2000
(800) 916-8800
Once you have pulled your Free Credit Score Report,
determine which bureaus are reporting information about you
that is incorrect. There are many cases where only one or
two Bureaus are reporting something incorrectly. Then all
you have to dispute is to those one or two Bureaus. Maybe
you have filed Bankruptcy and it was a Chapter 13, well
this particular bankruptcy should only report for 7 years
from file date. Typically Equifax is the culprit that does
not remove public records like this. A chapter 7 reports to
the C.R.A.'s for 10 yrs. This bankruptcy typically is not
removed like it should be either. This is just examples of
how items may not drop off when they should. So make sure
you stay on top of your Credit Report, because no one will
manage your personal credit report like you will.
The conclusion to all of this, disputes usually take 30 to
60 days. Most of the Bureaus for some reason keep reporting
after the expiration date. Or maybe you are a junior, and
your Fathers bad credit is reporting on your report. What
ever the case is, I do know recent studies show 1 in 4
reports have incorrect information on them. Since you are
dealing with software that calculates your
creditworthiness, I am sure it's safe to say the software
has flaws in it, just like Microsoft's software has bugs in
it as well.
About the Author: Mike Clover is the owner of . is one of the most
unique on-line resources for free credit score reports,
Internet identity theft software, secure credit cards, and
a BlOG with a wealth of personal credit information. The
information within this website is written by professionals
that know about credit, and what determines ones credit