Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Brokers Are Not the Enemy - Six Percent Commissions Are

Talk to Brokers but don't pay six percent commissions.

FSBOS don't want to talk to brokers. That's a mistake. A
broker is your best source of information. FSBOS avoid
brokers because they don't want to sign a listing agreement.

* A broker is licensed to sell real estate and to supervise
other licensees.
* A real estate agent is licensed to assist with buying and
selling real state. They must work for a broker.
* A Realtor is a member of the board of Realtors and may be
a broker or a licensee.
In this article, we have used the term broker for all
references to licensed persons.

Accept as fact, brokers have information you need. Ask them
for a free market evaluation. If later you decide to list,
use a broker who has been helpful. Ask them to include
recorded sales because a recorded sale is a fact.

The Brokers Are Coming!
The sign is in the yard, your ad is running, your neighbors
have all been over to ask why you're moving, and the
brokers are coming.
You will get calls from brokers. Don't bother putting "No
Brokers" in your ad, because they'll call anyway.
A "For Sale by Owner" sign or ad is a green flag that says,
"I have a house for sale! Help me."

Decide if you willing to pay a reduced commission or a
co-op fee.
A co-op fee is usually 2.5 - 3% paid to the buyer's agent;
however, it can be anything.
Don't let anyone tell you the rate is fixed. Many sellers
offer a flat fee rather than a percentage.
If you don't want to offer any co-op to brokers then you
must learn to say "No."

Why Brokers? Because They Have Buyers.

* To sell, you must have buyers.
* Brokers have buyers.
* Approximately 90% of buyers work with a broker.
* Are you willing to turn away that market?
* If you pay a co-op fee to a broker, you're still saving
thousands of dollars.

Here are a few tips on how to work with brokers if you
decide to co-op:

* Hold a broker open house.

* Send invitations.

* Take flyers to real estate offices.

* Serve refreshments.

* Ask for an opinion of value.

* Invite offices to include your property on their weekly

* Let them know you are willing to co-op.

* Encourage showings.

* Do not try to steal their buyers!

Remember brokers are not the enemy.

There are alternatives to Full Service.Times have changed
and today many brokerage houses will work with a FSBO in
some manner other than the traditional full listing service:

1. Some companies offer an exclusive agency listing which
allows you to continue marketing as a FSBO, and if you sell
the property with no broker involvement, you owe no
commission. They receive a commission only if the property
is sold by their office.

2. Other companies offer "Multiple Listing Registration
Service" to the FSBOS with an exclusive agency agreement.
This type of contract allows you to continue marketing as a
FSBO, offering a co-op fee to a broker if the buyer comes
through the MLS.

3. An exclusive right to sell agreement takes away your
right to sell FSBO and you'll pay the listing company and
the selling company.

In recent years a variety of FSBO programs have sprung up.
The original company offering such services is owned and
operated by the author in the Colorado Springs area.
Call in your area for brokers who offer alternative listing
plans. Programs that let you stay in control

We have found that people who sell by owner do so for two

1. They want to save the commission.
2. They want to remain in control.

Both opportunities are available. Decide how you want to

Red Flags Alert: When you meet with brokers there are Red
Flags that warn you a broker is in violation of the
Realtors Code of Ethics. Be aware of these unethical

The Red Flags:

* A broker tells you commissions are fixed.

* A broker says, you can't sell without a broker.

* A broker quotes a selling price five or more percent
higher than quoted by other brokers.

* A broker says he has a buyer but won't bring them unless
he has exclusive right to sell agreement signed by you.

* A broker bad mouths fellow brokers.

* A broker tells you that you have to pay a certain amount
of commission, in order for brokers to work your listing.

* A broker tells you that no one works with a certain

If you hear any of these comments, run away! This is not a
professional broker.

A broker or agent who speaks to any of the aforementioned
red flags, is in violation of federal antitrust laws and
could be convicted for price fixing.
Beware of Any Broker Who Uses These Tactics.

The good news: there are many more professional brokers
than unprofessional ones.

Other Suggestions:

* Never sign a contract without sleeping on it.
* Sales people are trained to close the sale.
* You have a right to think it over.
* There is no three-day right of recision once you sign a
listing agreement.

If you decide to work with a broker, either with an
alternative plan or a full listing, pick someone who is
honest, helpful, and concerned with your welfare.

Let's Review What You've Learned:

* Brokers are the best source of real estate information.
Ask for help.
* Brokers are coming. You can't avoid them.
* Learn how to use their expertise.
* Brokers have buyers.
* Consider ways to work with brokers.
* Alternative listing programs are available.
* Find out if one is right for you.
* Stay in control.
* Know the Red Flags - Avoid unprofessional brokers.

Good Luck Selling

Wee Dilts created the original for sale by owner flat fee
MLS program, authored the best selling "How to Sell Real
Estate by Owner" book, and has assisted FSBOS since 1983.
Colorado For Sale by Owners can register for MLS, purchase
her book, or download Free FSBO tips at
Have an FSBO question? Send it to fsbofriend@msn.com

Show it Right - Sell it Quick

Prepare the property first then show and sell.

Congratulations! You've done your homework. You've
Interviewed professionals, established a realistic price,
completed all repairs. You've made the property sparkle and
stage the property for showing.

Now that the sign is in the yard, every hour of every day
is show time.


Many sellers post a showing checklist on the refrigerator
so they can see it every day. They keep the house in
showing condition at all times.

Showing Checklist:

1. Dishes are done and put away.

2. Beds are made.

3. Curtains are open.

4. The house is as bright as possible.

5. Radio and televisions are turned off.

6. Toilet seats and lids are down.

7. Waste baskets are emptied.

8. Washing machine and dryer are turned off.

9. Clothes are hung neatly in the closet.

10. Pets are in their proper place.

11. Children are in their proper place.

12. Lights are on.

13. Guest book and flyers are in a conspicuous place.

14. Jewelry and loose moneys are put away.

15. The entire house is neat and orderly.

Set the Stage

Do everything to create an expansive look. Arrange
furniture in a manner that keeps walking areas clear. Keep
the center of the room open.

Your collections, photo-lined walls, and overstuffed chairs
and ottomans are not an advantage when showing property.

Staging tips:

* Rent a storage unit.
* Thin out stuff.
* Remove clutter.
* Spackle nail holes.
* Clear counter tops.

Serious buyers are mentally moving in. They will look in
closets and cabinets. Clutter and disarray make areas
appear small.

Smoke and Mirrors

Mirrors - Mirrors make tiny areas seem large. Model homes
use mirrors extensively; shouldn't you?

Consider mirrors for small bathrooms, dining areas,
hallways, and bedrooms.

Smoke - If you smoke, stop smoking inside the property. You
could lose a buyer who is allergic to or doesn't like smoke.

Make an Open House Decision

* Are you comfortable letting people look through the
property unattended?
* Do you want to sit in the house and wait for people to
* Do you want to spend the money for advertising?

If your property is not on a busy street and highly
visible, you can forego an open house.

Greeting the Buyer

When the buyer arrives introduce yourself and have them
sign the guest book, which should provide space for:
1. Name.
2. Address.
3. Telephone number.


If the buyer is not accompanied by a broker, go through the
house with them. Let them browse, remain unobtrusively in
the background. Don't hover. You're there to answer

If they're accompanied by a broker, ask them and the broker
to sign your guest book. Ask them to take flyers. You don't
have to leave the house, but let the broker show.

Don't push. You might spook a buyer. Invite them to come
back. A buyer who comes back is interested.

Follow Up

Make a follow-up call to ask if they have any questions and
if they have any interest in purchasing.
They may give you valuable feed back.

If a broker has shown your property, call them for feedback.

The more information you have the more apt you are to sell
your property.
Receive feedback graciously.


Provide two types of flyers:

1. A property information flyer, which includes:

* The property address.
* Heading.
* A floor plan on the back of the flyer.
* The asking price.
* The terms offered.
* Number of bedrooms.
* Number of bathes.
* Square footage.
* A list of upgrades and improvements.
* A list of amenities.
* Your phone number.

2. A loan information flyer which includes:

* Two or three different financing plans.
* Current interest rate choices.
* Various down payment and loan options.
* Terms and monthly payments.
* FHA and VA terms.

Flyers can be as simple or as elaborate as you wish to make


There are some precautions you should consider:

* People may want to see the house without an appointment.
You decide.
* If it's convenient, you may show; if not, ask them to
schedule an appointment.
* Confirm appointments.
* Do not show the property after dark, ask them to set a
daytime appointment.
* Real buyers want to see the property during daylight
* If a person drops in and claims to be a Realtor, saying
they would like to preview for a client, get a business
card and ask them to sign the guest book.
* NEVER allow your children to show the property.

Important Negotiating Tips. When you and the buyer
negotiate a contract, there are a couple negotiating
techniques you need to know:

1. "No!" is a complete sentence.
You don't need to elaborate. Say No and shut up.
2. At an impasse, the one who speaks first loses.
A good negotiator learns to keep quiet.
3. Reduce agreements to a simple form, put them in writing
for both parties to sign.
Use your states' approved purchase agreement.

A Truism: Verbal Agreements Are Worth the Paper They're
Written On.

If you've read the article, you've learned how to:

* Keep the property in showing condition.
* Greet the buyer.
* Show the property.
* Stage the property.
* Talk to the buyer.
* Follow up.
* Make a guest book.
* Make Information flyers.
* Decide to hold an open house.
* Take precautions.
* Negotiate.

Good Luck Selling

Wee Dilts created the original for sale by owner flat fee
MLS program, authored the best selling "How to Sell Real
Estate by Owner" book, and has assisted FSBOS since 1983.
Colorado For Sale by Owners can register for MLS, purchase
her book, or download Free FSBO tips at
Have an FSBO question? Send it to fsbofriend@msn.com

Spain real estate

Sandy beaches, clear waters, and friendly people – no
wonder tourists flock to Spain all year round! Because of
this Spain real estate has flourished over the last couple
of years. Real estate prices have skyrocketed and for good

Hot spots in Spain

Spain real estate agents have found some great locations
where real estate prices are affordable, scenery is
splendid and investments are truly value for money! From
lush tourist resorts to splendid residential locations,
Spain real estate has truly come a long way. Most of the
coastal areas are hugely popular because of the beaches,
eternal sunshine and promise of fun-filled vacations. This
has provided a lucrative means for steady business for
these real estate agents. In just a few months during peak
season time, these agents more than recover any costs
incurred due to initial investments.

Jump on the Spain real estate bandwagon

It's considered fashionable to invest in the lush real
estate of Spain – and deservedly so. Even if real estate
prices in these areas may seem a little on the upside, you
can be rest assured that within a short time span you will
recover costs and start making steady profits. However,
just in case you're a little wary of the profit prospects,
you may invest a little towards the inland. Here prices are
cheaper and Spain real estate is relatively untapped in
these areas – making it a good investment. Further, the
Spanish government encourages people to invest in the
interiors. They will not only reduce the cost for you, but
they will also provide you with tax breaks, financial
bonuses etc. That way, you can use this money to save for
future Spain real estate investments. Since the coastal
areas are already saturated at every level, investing in
these interiors helps you save at various stages of the

Useful tips to increase your ROI

If you want real value for money and true return on
investment, consider buying cheap, dilapidated houses in
the inland areas. Here Spain real estate is quite nascent
which means costs will be lower. Buying that shabby house
also means a further reduction in costs. You can then
choose to repair the house on your own budget. This will
greatly reduce your overall investment in the property. You
can transform these houses into fabulous vacation homes,
villas and rentals according to your taste and style. Once
transformed, you can sit back and watch tourists flock to
them! You will see business grow rapidly. However, if you
have the funds, then opt for a coastal property which will
bring you instant profits. The lure of the big blue never
fails to attract investors. Either way, investing in Spain
is a win-win situation.

Get professional help

Try to avail the services of a professional Spain real
estate agency. These people have been in business for ages
and will advice you on the details- especially if you're a
foreigner. They will help you choose the best deal and
property, overcome the linguistic barriers and handle legal

Steven Magill is an internationally renowned author and
expert with regard to the Spanish real estate market. He
regularly helps clients in and around the Costa Del Sol
area of Spain. As a Fellow in the British Association of
Entrepreneurs (FBAE) and a partner in
http://www.buyspain.co.uk , he brings years of experience
and expertise to this field.

Three Traits You Absolutely Need to Be Successful in Commercial Real Estate

Unfortunately, commercial real estate is not for everyone.
Before taking the plunge into this vastly competitive
field, you may want to ask yourself the following
questions, all of which relates to how you work and your

-Do I Have an Entrepreneurial Mindset?

Successful professionals in commercial real estate tend to
have an entrepreneurial spirit. The have a motivated drive
or desire to succeed. Having an entrepreneurial mindset
could mean that you possess the following qualities:

-goal oriented
-a leader
-a risk taker

Some people describe having an entrepreneurial mindset as
having a "fire in the belly." In short, you have burning
desire for success in commercial real estate and you have
the creative and innovative spirit to translate that fire
into concrete action.

-Do I Have a Passion to Help Others Succeed?

If you want to be successful in commercial real estate,
particularly as a commercial real estate mortgage broker,
property broker, agent or lender, you must have a passion
to help other people succeed. In the end, your success in
any one of these specialties within the realm of commercial
real estate depends on your own ability to assist other
people achieve their own goals. Do you thrive on seeing
others succeed and knowing that you were able to contribute
to that endeavor?

-Do I Have an Internal Personal Belief System That Supports
My Success?

Finally, when it comes to achieving success in commercial
real estate, it is absolutely fundamental that you develop
and maintain a personal belief system that permits you to
fully understand that you are capable of achieving any
goal. Although some people may conclude that it is a
trite saying – you have to BELIEVE in yourself. If you do
not believe in yourself, how can you expect your clients to
trust and believe the advice that you give them? By
believing in yourself, you will have the ability to develop
an appropriate plan of action that will ensure that your
important dreams become realities. By setting goals and by
believing that through your own best efforts you can
achieve those goals, you will enjoy significant and lasting
success in the commercial real estate profession.

If your answer was "yes" to each of the questions above,
you are well on your way to finding a great career in
commercial real estate. The industry is not made for
everyone, but for those who can appreciate what it takes to
succeed, they are in for one exciting ride! Best of luck
to you!

Contributed by VEC Financial Group. The VEC Financial Group
(VEC) is dedicated to providing commercial mortgage and
business financing to property owners and entrepreneurs
across the country. VEC Financial provides these services
by connecting the right broker with the right borrower, who
ultimately finances with the right lender.