Tuesday, December 4, 2007

7 Common Overlooked Tax Areas & Savings

7 Common Overlooked Tax Areas & Savings
The Ernst and Young Tax Guide for 2007 listed 50 of the
most easily overlooked deductions. You may want to purchase
this large book as well as to see publication 529 at
IRS.gov http://www.irs.gov/publications/p529/index.html.
Also see IRS.gov for a list of highlights and what's new
and what's hot at http://www.irs.gov/taxtopics/tc302.html.

Some of these items you are able to deduct as un-reimbursed
employee expenses. Remember ' some of these deductions are
phased out due to income, circumstance or "floor" limits
required. Check with your tax professional to see if these
are applicable to you.

1. Be aware of AMT - the Alternative Minimum Tax
The AMT affects more people now than ever, and sneaks up
and surprises many people with large tax bills. The
alternative minimum tax (AMT) attempts to prevent some who
benefit from tax savings (deductions and credits) by making
sure they pay a minimum tax.

For middle Americans, the most typical cause of AMT tax is
the level or amount of State, Local and Property Tax
combined with miscellaneous deductions like unreimbursed
employee costs; especially if your household income is over
$100,000. According to studies, it's only going to get
worse if Congress doesn't intervene! This is the one part
of the code not adjusted for inflation since its inception
in the 60's. So that's why more and more people are
affected to this tax each year!

You can see if the AMT affects you by consulting the AMT
worksheet in the Form 1040 instructions entitled "Worksheet
to See if You Should Fill in Form 6251 ' Line 45." People
with more complex financial situations should probably
consult a good accountant to help them calculate what they
might owe. For more information go to


2. Higher Education Expense Deductions and Credits
You may be able deduct $2,000 or $4,000 of qualifying
tuition expenses, depending on your income. It applies to
expenses for post-high school education for you, your
spouse, or your dependents regardless if you had to take
out loans to pay for the cost. It even counts for Grandma
to pay for grandson's college! Grandma can get the

The Hope Credit or the Lifetime Learning Credit have
stricter income limits than higher education deductions to
qualify, but provide greater tax savings because they
reduce your taxes dollar for dollar. Because both of these
types of educational deductions and credits are dependent
upon income levels, year in school, and many other factors,
it's not an easy choice which one is right for your case.
Run all the scenarios or consult your tax advisor for the
best treatment.

3. Medical expense deductions
To be able to deduct medical expenses you must itemize and
expenses are deductible only to the extent they exceed 7.5%
of your adjusted gross income (AGI). Given the high rate of
health care inflation, more people are eligible for this
than in years past. Be sure to keep records of all medical
expenses to see if you qualify each year.

4. Reinvested stock dividends
This is a tip to avoid double taxation. When mutual fund
and qualified stocks pay dividends to investors they are
taxed in that year, whether or not those dividend monies
were paid out to you in cash or reinvested. Most investors
automatically re-invest them in additional shares. When you
own investments, keep all of your statements.

When an investor subsequently sells qualified shares of
stock or the mutual fund, they are taxed on their gain.
Meaning if you invested $9,500 and it grew to $12,000,
$2,500 could be subject to tax in that year. However let's
assume that $9,500 generated $500 worth of dividends that
were reinvested only $2,000 would be subject to tax. Many
people do not keep good records and end up paying
unnecessary tax. Many mutual fund companies will provide
you with records if you do not have them. Each year when
your broker "sells" stocks, a 1099-Div will be generated.
You will need to compare the cost basis of these stocks
against their sale price less commission in order to truly
know how much gain to include in your taxable income.

5. Out-of-pocket expenses for charities and not for profits
You can write off out-of-pocket costs you incur while doing
good works for nonprofit organizations such as churches,
food pantries and schools. Keep records of items purchased
and costs incurred, such as miles driven (14 cents per mile

6. Child care credit
You may be eligible for the child care tax credit up to 35%
of your qualifying expenses (depending upon your income)
you paid someone to care for your child (under age 13) or
dependents unable to care for themselves (because of
physical or mental reasons) while you work or look for work.

For 2007, you may use up to $3,000 of the expenses paid in
a year for one qualifying individual, or $6,000 for two or
more qualifying individuals. If you have a tax-favored
reimbursement plan at work, you can pay up to $5,000 of
work related child care expenses. If you max-out the $5,000
through work but spend more, you may be eligible for an
additional $1,000.

7. Estate tax on income in respect of a decedent
Did you inherit an IRA or other 'income in respect of a
decedent,' or IRD? Secondly, was their estate large enough
that it was subject to federal estate tax? If so, you may
be eligible for a deduction for the amount of estate tax
paid on the IRD assets.

Kent E. Irwin, ChFC, CLU, CAP, co-founder and CEO of
eFinplan.com. eFinPLAN is the first and only web-based
comprehensive consumer financial planning software designed
for people who are trying to do a lot of their own
financial planning. Find out more about how do-your-self
financial planning and how to reach your goals at: =>

The Simple Truth About Free Credit Reports and Paid Credit Repair

The Simple Truth About Free Credit Reports and Paid Credit Repair
Advertisements abound nearly everywhere nowadays (online
and off) selling books, systems and secrets to help you fix
your credit. A lot of these programs have claims which
read like the covers of supermarket tabloids:

"In only 3 hours my credit score jumped from 580 to 676!"

"Erase bad credit and smash your debts with only two
extraordinary Letters!"

Are these types of claims ALWAYS too good to be true? The
answer is "Yes and... no."

While many people would love for you to think the only
thing that can fix bad credit is time, in reality, nothing
could be further from the truth. In fact, time is only one
of any number of factors which can fix a credit report, but
it's a far cry from being the only factor. How can I back
this up? It's simple.

Under a consumer protection law known as the Fair Credit
Reporting Act (aka the FCRA) the only negative information
which can remain on your credit report is not what is
accurate, but only what can be proved as accurate under the
FCRA. Exactly what does this mean to you?

It means any negative item on your credit report can only
remain there if it is accurate and CAN BE PROVED AS SUCH
under the guidelines of the FCRA. This undisputable fact
presents consumers like yourself with both good and bad

The good news is that, through the FCRA, your credit score
can more than likely be improved dramatically in a very
short period of time with only a modest amount of effort on
your part.

The bad news is that while the actual "work" will take very
little of your time, you will fail unless you have good
information on exactly how to go about it. Believe it or
not, 9 out of 10 courses on credit restoration will do
nothing more than lead you into snake pits because they
will provide you with what the industry refers to as
"Boiler Plate" dispute letters. These types of letters are
nothing more than form letters and, quite frankly, the
Credit Bureaus and Creditors will get a good laugh at your
expense if you try to use them.

I agree with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) that there
are things that a credit repair clinic can take care of for
you legally that you can do for yourself with little or no
cost, what makes the credit repair clinics successful is
access to the inside tactics and techniques. This involves
strategies such as "Proof of Contract", "Constructive
Notice", "Challenge of Procedure" or "Restrictive
Endorsement" and many others.

the question you have to answer will be what are you trying
to accomplish and how much time will it take you if you do
it yourself? Remember, you get what you pay for. If you
pay little or nothing, expect a proportionate return in
your results.

This may "sound" impressive but it's are really quite
simple. When all is said and done, it is nothing more than
a method of communication which exercises your consumer
protection rights, gets the results you want and raises
your credit score. More importantly, once you learn how
simple all of this can be by doing it for yourself, you
will find there is a fortune to be made doing it for
others! Maybe even be on your way to a new career, who
knows? Either way, it all starts by requesting a free copy
of your credit report here:

In a future article in this series, we'll answer the
question: "Is Your Credit Score Costing You A Fortune?"

Michele F. Richardson, is a Small Business and Personal
Consultant, who specializes in helping people find
practical solutions to everyday issues. The "CREDIT
SECRETS Bible" has been in print since 1994 and is
published by Consumer Publishing Group. To get coveted
insider secrets you can use to pave your personal pathway
to financial access and stability, visit
http://creditrepair.globallifetrends.com/ .

Credit Score: Keeping Debt To A Minimum Can Help

Credit Score: Keeping Debt To A Minimum Can Help
Today we are more dependent on our credit scores than we
realize. This magic number quite often is the deciding
factor in if we can buy a house, car or get that all
important student loan.

The higher the credit score the better off your are
financially in terms of getting loans. Those with low
scores may still get financing but they will be forced to
pay much higher rates of interest and charges than those
with higher scores.

Those with low credit scores have two choices. The first is
to accept their position and pay up for their credit. The
second is to do everything they can to raise their score.

Your credit rating and score is established over time. If
it is low, it didn't get there over night. Raising it up is
going to take some time as well. Keeping your overall debts
low will actually help to raise your score.

Some are under the impression that to get the highest
possible credit score you need several maxed out accounts
and you need to make the monthly minimum payment. This
isn't only untrue it is dangerous.

Everything is fine as long as you are paying but if
something should happen to change this then you can get
into trouble.

In establishing your credit rating, the agencies look at
something call credit to debt ratio. If your cards are
maxed out or close to their limit then this can lower your

You also need to avoid the trap of moving debt from one
card to another. This only helps if it is necessary and
interest rates are lower. Doing this tells credit companies
that you cannot pay your debts. If they see balances moving
but not falling then this puts up loads of red flags.

Try to leave accounts open that have zero balances. It may
seem pointless but it can actually help to raise your
score. This shows that you can control your spending if you
have an open account with a low or zero balance.

Finally, don't try opening new account to decrease your
debt to limit ratio. This will backfire and have the
opposite effect. Better to pay down the debt you have and
stay current.

Your credit score is vitally important to your financial
future. However, if your score isn't what it should be,
things can change. Pay down debt and get your ratio lower.
This will help immensely and lower the overall risk to you.

Jim Moore comes from a background in engineering and
financial services software. Jim has spent the last 20
years as a professional writer working for some of the
world's largest engineering and financial companies.

Self Employment Registration And The Self Assessment Tax Return Form

Self Employment Registration And The Self Assessment Tax Return Form
There is no strict definition of self employment as opposed
to not being self employed however the basic rule is if you
have income other than is taxed under the paye system then
you may be self employed. If this income is irregular and
not part of an ongoing business then you are probably not
self employed as such. An alternative to registering as
self employed would be to request the Inland Revenue to
issue a tax return and declare the additional untaxed
income under the category of any other income.

The first action by anyone self employed in business in
regard to his self assessment tax return is to register
that self employment with the Inland Revenue. Self
employment must be registered within three months of
starting business to avoid a late registration penalty fine
of 100 pounds. Not all income outside the paye system is
considered to be self employment.

If the income is received on a regular basis or is income
from a recognisable business or repeated activity then it
is likely that business would be classed as self employed.
And being self employed you do need to register for self
employment within three months as a consequence of which
you would receive an inland revenue self assessment tax
return to complete each year. If you have any doubts about
the status of the income being taxable as any other income
or under the self assessment tax return then you should
contact the Inland Revenue helpline for further advice.

Completing the self assessment tax return is not difficult
although many people who are self employed prefer to leave
the task to a tax accountant. While many items on the self
assessment tax return involve details of income and
expenses which require little knowledge of accounting there
are areas which require some understanding of the tax

The inland revenue self assessment tax return can be
completed if the accompanying notes are read thoroughly and
those notes that are sent out each year with the tax return
are understood and changes from the previous year noted.
Most of the notes are quite straight forward although to
anyone inexperienced in tax matters the sections on capital
tax allowances can appear daunting.

The self assessment tax return form consists of 4
supplementary pages which are attached to the main annual
tax return. The return is broken down into various sections
of business details, capital allowances, income and
expenditure, tax adjustments and finally a balance sheet
section which is optional.

The business details section of the self assessment tax
return form is quite straight forward registering the name,
address, description of the business and the relevant
accounting dates. It is recommended that new start up
businesses submit their first accounts from the date of
commencement to the end of the tax year being 5 April.

If you are self employed then you can choose not to adopt
the standard financial tax year of 6 April to 5 April
although this is not recommended. By choosing a different
tax year to the standard financial year the accounts will
cross over more than one tax year and in doing so if the
tax rules have changed which they do frequently then more
than one set of tax rules could be applicable. And if more
than one set of tax rules is applicable then individual
entries in the accounts become time sensitive.

The capital allowance section of the self assessment tax
return form involves maintaining records of fixed assets
purchased and applying the tax rules relating to fixed
assets. These tax rules involve claiming a first year
allowance on most non vehicle assets in the year they are
purchased and writing down allowance thereafter. Commercial
vehicle purchases are also subject to a first year
allowance while non commercial vehicles can receive writing
down allowance of 25% in the first year restricted to 3,000

The income and expenditure section is straighter forward
for the non accountant requiring a statement of the income
and expenses incurred during the financial year. Accurate
records should be maintained including receipts for
everything to support the figures being declared.

The next sections of tax adjustments do require at least a
minimum knowledge of the tax system. Knowledge of what is
allowed and disallowed and what adjustments can be made
regarding apportionment of net profit to produce an annual
net taxable profit plus adjustments for previous years

The final section of the self assessment tax return form is
the balance sheet. Only those self employed businesses that
produce a balance sheet need complete this section which is
optional. And even those businesses that have produced a
balance sheet need not complete this section if they do not
wish to.

Terry Cartwright, qualified accountant and CEO at DIY
Accounting, designs accounting software that automates the
Self Assessment Tax Return
http://www.diyaccounting.co.uk/selfemployed.htm producing
an excel copy of the Tax Return at