Ian Campbell, a recognized Canadian business valuation
expert, manages his own stock portfolio. This would scare
the heck out of me if I tried to do the same thing; but now
he really enjoys it.
Campbell told me that it wasn't that easy in the past. He
got tired of wading through financial web sites,
newsletters, and other data for what seemed like endless
hours each week. He has been in the financial industry for
more than three decades, so he knew from experience the
best way was to solve this problem was to tackle it himself.
Speaking of unending hours, how many did you spend last
month? Were you like me, wading through the data quagmire
-- that unending labyrinth of data related to the stocks
you're following? Personally, it irritates me to no end.
Perhaps you're one of those who like to manage your own
portfolio. Maybe you're interested in the Canadian Small
Cap Mining and Oil & Gas Industries; or you're a financial
adviser with clients interested in these sectors. If so,
you've likely experienced 'the problem' - the huge waste of
your valuable time -- pouring over charts, tables,
financial documents and websites, when accessing economic,
industry and company data on the web.
Campbell commissioned proprietary survey research in both
the U.S. and Canada. Among other things, it asked how much
time respondents spent researching stocks on the Internet.
His research pointed out that 80% of those retail investors
surveyed in the U.S.A. and Canada spent up to 10 hours per
month, researching stocks, bonds and other financial
affairs on the Internet. I think you'll agree it's
reasonable to assume that 80% of all retail investors don't
manage their own portfolios. They assist or collaborate
perhaps; but mostly they rely on the expertise of an
investment adviser for assistance. So why are these people
online researching and investigating equities? The answer
perhaps lies in the fact that the research also asked these
same respondents a few questions about how they felt
regarding their own investment advisers.
The answers were illuminating to be sure! Let's just say
these 80% are not taking any chances. They want to know
exactly what is happening with their portfolio and how to
ensure that their own Investment Advisor focuses on their
financial affairs. Campbell was sure he was on to
something. He was confident that thousands of other
investors must feel like him: frustrated with the way
online investment research was done; and what he had to
work with. He decided to conduct even more research to see
if the market needed and would be willing to pay for a
unique membership web site that would take the data - the
material that drives most of us bananas - and properly
organize it in a way that he and those other investors had
never seen before.
Campbell continued and made other relevant data more easily
available. Now those who wanted to manage their own
portfolio, or just keep an eye on it; or who have an IA
working with them, could be more organized; work faster.
The IA's would also put this new 'tool' to good use. The
results were more reliable too.
Having been an influential corporate valuation expert for
more than 35 years, he knew that if he could solve these
problems, putting all this in one website, he just might
have the silver bullet. The result was a very special web
site, which launched recently.
This is how most great ideas come about. In this case, one
individual investor, constantly frustrated by the onerous
task of wading through the deluge of stock market and
individual stock data, decided to do something about it.
Now everyone can access this faster, better way of
researching stocks.
©Copyright, Roy MacNaughton, 2007
To learn more, go to: http://www.stockresearchdd.com
Roy MacNaughton is a business writer and coach. He's a
seasoned marketer, with more than 25 years of international
experience, including eight years online. His specialty is
finding investment "niches" that can be exploited and/or
added to his own portfolio.
Check his blog at: