Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Fund Managers On The Move and Your Strategic Asset Allocation

Fund Managers On The Move and Your Strategic Asset Allocation
Recent research by Citywire, a leading fund research firm,
has revealed that the average fund will only retain its
fund management team for two-and-a-half-years.

The analysis, which concentrates on UK funds, is the most
comprehensive conducted yet and includes 5 years of data.

The survey examined 1,741 funds and found that over the 5
years to the end of August there were 3,440 manager moves.

It was found that managers are more likely to move during
times of stock market turmoil, and unsurprisingly they move
less when markets are doing well.

Let's look at some statistics:

- during the 2002/03 bear market, 27% of funds changed hands

- in the year to August 2004 some 23% changed hands

- in 2005 it was 19%

- and 15% in 2006

But what do all these moves mean to you?

If the manager(s) of your investment fund(s) have moved
during the last 2 years (and the likelihood is that some
will have) you have a number of options:

- leave your money invested where it is

- find out where the fund manager has moved to and transfer
your money there (check the details of the fund on offer)

- take a step back and look at whether your money is being
invested with a STRATEGIC investment philosophy, as opposed
to a TACTICAL approach

The reality (in our experience) is that many investors are
following the tactical approach. They hold a number of
funds, perhaps with a handful of product providers, and
have no real idea where their money is actually invested or
which fund managers are in charge anyway.

In fact, one recent client that we dealt with had total
investments (Pensions, ISAs, PEPs) of £300,000,
spread across 6 providers and 13 funds. Once the overall
portfolio was broken down we saw that he had an 89%
exposure to equities/shares. When we analysed his attitude
to risk it was shown that he would be uncomfortable with
more than 55% exposure to equities.

We also calculated that he did not need to take as much
equity risk that he was as he was on track to achieve his
overall retirement income goals.

What we did in this case was alter his overall portfolio so

- his exposure to equities was reduced to 50%

- we created a portfolio that was invested predominantly in
low cost asset class institutional funds

- we added a percentage of bond funds to act as an
insurance against market falls

- we adopted a 'buy and hold' strategy to minimise fund
trading costs (if you don't know what these are you need to
find out)

Academic studies show that Strategic Asset Allocation is
behind 90% of a portfolio's return. Ibbotson Associates
conducted research that shows that:

- 91.5% of a portolio's return is due to strategic asset

- 4.6% is due to stock picking

- 1.8% is due to tactical asset allocation (market timing)

And William Bernstein of The Intelligent Asset Allocator

"Market timing and security selection are obviously
important. The problem is that nobody achieves long-term
success in the former, and almost nobody in the latter.
Asset allocation is the only factor affecting your
investments that you can actually influence"

So why don't investors folow this path if all the research
points this way?

There are a number of reasons:

- ignorance (never heard of it)

- ignorance (heard of it but can't be bothered)

- greed (I can pick best performing funds and beat the

- ego (I know best, don't tell me what to do)

- conditioning (I don't want to do something my peers are

And no doubt there are many other reasons.

Some in the fund management industry will have you believe
that all you have to do is pick a few good funds and you'll
be well on the way to making great returns on your capital.

Of course, this could happen, but all the research points
to adopting a DIFFERENT approach. One which you're probably
not aware of right now.

So what can you do?


Find out how this alternative approach works. Do your
research, just as we have.

The Financial Tips Bottom Line

Think about this for a minute.

As impartial advisers we are able to recommend ANY fund
from the thousands available.

What we've done though is take a step back (a number of
years ago) and look at the alternative investment methods
available to our clients. All based around Strategic Asset

Maybe it's time for you to do the same.


The reality is that we have yet to meet a new client who
understands the importance of asset allocation (and the
majority have never heard of it). Just google the term and
you'll see 2.8m results.

The good news is that it's relatively easy to implement a
strategic asset allocation approach with your investments.
It's just a case of knowing which buttons to press to make
it happen.

Ray Prince is an Independent Financial Planner with
Rutherford Wilkinson plc, and helps UK Resident Doctors and
Dentists get the best deals on mortgages, protection and
investments, as well as helping them achieve their
financial objectives. Just visit
http://www.medicaldentalfs.com to get your free retirement
planning guide. Rutherford Wilkinson plc is authorised and
regulated by the Financial Services Authority.

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