Saturday, October 13, 2007

Tips for Getting on the Road to Discount Car Insurance

Tips for Getting on the Road to Discount Car Insurance
For many, auto insurance is very expensive. Whether it's
because of an imperfect driving record, flawed credit
history or simply because the driver is young, the costs
can quickly add up. However, there is good news and better
news. The good news is that there are several ways in
which you can work toward discount car insurance rates.
The better news is that this article will show you how.
Below are several tips for getting yourself on the road to
discount auto insurance.

- If you are a minor who has either a learner's permit or
driver's license, enroll in a driver's education class if
offered at your high school. Upon successful completion of
the course, many auto insurance companies will reduce your
auto insurance rates. In addition, keeping your grades
high, usually at a B average or better, may result in
discount auto insurance as an incentive to keep learning.
If you are the parent of a minor, making sure that your
child follows these steps may help to lower your auto
insurance rates.

- When purchasing your next automobile, choose wisely. An
SUV or sports car will carry a higher insurance premium, as
will a new vehicle. If you want to save some money on your
auto insurance rates, choosing a standard automobile may
help you to achieve lower rates. Additionally, purchasing
a used car will almost always result in cheap auto
insurance when compared to that required for a new vehicle.

- Drive safely. Always make sure that you drive under the
speed limit because even a traffic ticket can cause your
auto insurance rates to increase. Always make sure to wear
your seatbelt and take proper care when driving on slippery
roads. Studies have shown that most accidents occur close
to home, so always remain alert and attentive until your
car is parked safely in the driveway.

- If at all possible, pay for your automobile in cash.
When you finance a vehicle, the lender requires that you
carry complete auto insurance coverage. If you pay in
cash, you may be able to reduce your auto insurance costs
by only purchasing that which is required by law and not
excessive coverage that some lenders may impose.

- Shop around. One of the best ways to get discount auto
insurance is to simply request free auto insurance quotes
from different companies and choose the one that can offer
you the best value for your dollar.

- Keep your credit history in good shape. Believe it or
not, your credit history may greatly impact your auto
insurance rates. Agents often check credit reports and, if
you have badly damaged credit, you may end up paying more
even if you have a clean driving record. The best way to
clean up your credit report is to check the information
yourself and dispute any inaccuracies with the reporting

The information in this article is designed to be used for
reference purposes only. It should not be used as, in
place of or in conjunction with professional financial or
insurance advice relating to auto insurance quotes,
discount auto insurance or auto insurance rates. For
additional information or to receive an auto insurance
quote, contact a local auto insurance company.

Andrew Daigle is the owner, creator and author of many
successful websites including , an auto
insurance company research site and , a site for
finding the best loan for your needs.

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