Thursday, December 13, 2007

Are You Ready for a Visa Student Credit Card?

Are You Ready for a Visa Student Credit Card?
Think you're ready for a Visa student credit card? Most
students assume they are without giving the matter very
much thought. If this describes you, then you might be
biting off more than you can chew. Before you jump into the
world of credit cards with both feet blind, make sure you
ask yourself these three important questions...

1. Who's Tab Is It?

First and foremost, before you decide whether or not you're
ready for any Visa student credit card you'd better make
sure you have a way to pay the statement when it comes in
each month. If you don't have a job you won't be able to
pay your bill. Remember, this is your credit card -- not
your parents'. It's your responsibility to pay it.

2. How Disciplined Are you?

Okay, so you have a job and you can pay the bill when it
comes in. The other question you have to ask yourself is
how disciplined are you? Will you have the willpower to use
your Visa student credit card wisely, or is it just going
to put you under a pile of debt?

If you can barely resist the temptation to spend when you
have cash in your pocket or a checkbook in your purse, how
are you going to resist it when you have plastic in your

Remember, a Visa student credit card is not a license to
spend. It's supposed to be a tool to build your financial
future and help you out in case of emergencies.

3. Do You Realize This Will Go On Your Permanent Record?

Another thing you need to consider when applying for a Visa
student credit card is that everything you do with it is
going to go on your "permanent record". No, not your
academic record, but a record that is just as important.

If you make a late payment or max your card out it's going
to show up on your credit report. And it's not just going
to be there for the world to see -- it's also going to
lower your credit score. You might not know it yet, but
your credit score can make or break your financial future.
This can interfere with your plans to get an apartment or
buy a car when you graduate.

The above questions raise some valid points. If they're
making you second guess yourself, it's best to stick with
debit cards and leave the Visa student credit card for
later. If, however, you are more confident than ever that
you can manage a Visa student credit card with ease, you
just may be ready for the credit card world.

For more tips on student credit cards, saving money and
avoiding getting taken, check out the student credit card
section at, a website that
specializes in providing credit card tips, advice and

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