Monday, March 3, 2008

Bad Credit Report affects your Children - Learn Why

Bad Credit Report affects your Children - Learn Why
Bad Credit Reports will affect your children in many ways.
First let's start out with the fact that most Americans are
blue collar workers. You are working for the system, which
is greedy Corporate America. Corporate America does not
allow financial freedom. So you are subject to the 3%
salary increase every year if you are lucky. In other words
you don't have the money to pay cash for everything that
you might want to buy. In this article I wanted to discuss
with you in another light, about the fact that your credit
report not only affects you, but your children as well. For
instance, one of your kids, really need braces. I am not
sure if you have checked lately, but braces are very
expensive. Current insurance with greedy corporate America
does not cover all your cost involved with getting braces
these days. So your only choice is to finance part of the
cost. The doctor says lets run your credit to see if we can
finance the braces for little Johnny. Deep down inside you
know you have credit issues, and you just have that feeling
they are going to say that bad word NO. The doctor comes
back and does exactly what you thought, we cannot find
anyone that is willing to finance little Johnny's braces.
But here is a number to call so you can find out why. You
know why, your credit report is in bad shape because of
past mistakes and maybe some recent ones as well. You knew
this all along, and did nothing about it. I will tell you
this; bad credit does not go away. It will stay on your
credit report for 7 years.

Bad Credit destroys lives, and opportunity for people to
move forward. Maybe little Johnny needs a car, and you
don't have the cash to buy a car, so you have to finance it
for him, maybe little Johnny would love a backyard of his
own to play in. Now you decide to buy a home, but to your
surprise you can't because your credit will not allow
anyone to take the risk with your past credit history. I
can keep going on and on and on. I could write a book of
reasons how you're "bad credit report could affect your
children ", but let's talk about how to fix a problem like

Your first step is to admit you don't have the credit to
get a loan anywhere. I would not go around hoping there is
a miracle that someone will lend you money, until you have
pulled a current copy of your free credit score report.
This will take the guessing game out of the equation, and
will give you a peace of mind where you stand with your
credit. Once you have determines your credit score, and
what is on your report, the next step is to start fixing
what is on it. Here is a link with how to fix bad credit
reports, go here: Once you have gone through this process,
you will soon have good credit, and will be able to finance
what every little Johnny needs. Your credit is important,
especially if you are not independently wealthy. Most
American have to borrow money to get some of the items to
live in today's society. My recommendation would be don't
let your bad credit report affect little Johnny.

About the Author: Mike Clover is the owner of . is
the one of the most unique on-line resources for free
credit score report, Internet identity theft software,
secure credit cards, and a BlOG with a wealth of personal
credit information. The information within this website is
written by professionals that know about credit, and what
determines ones credit worthiness.

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