With the economy in a tailspin, many people are looking for
ways to cut costs. Finding affordable health insurance is
definitely one area most consumers are lo0king at. We have
listed some secrets to affordable health insurance below
that could help you cut your medical premium costs.
* Today most insurance quotes you find online will pull up
multiple companies with one inquiry. Laying these quotes
out on a spreadsheet will let you compare benefits in an
"apples to apples" situation so to speak.
* Always look at custom building your health insurance
plan. One suit does not fit all. You can have higher
deductibles and lower costs for example by adding a
critical illness rider in the plan and in the event of a
heart attack,stroke or cancer you would be protected at
much less premium cost. Over 70% of the time a critical
illness is what will be the reason for meeting a high
* Add up the doctor visits the entire family has in the
course of the year. The average physician visit is $80 an
if you multiply that times the visits for the family you
may find by having that benefit on your health insurance
policy it is not cost effective. Many plans today include
wellness benefits anyway included in the coverage.
* Always make sure your doctor and hospitals you would
prefer are in the network of coverage. This will lower the
cost of visits as you will recieve the in network billing
costs. This one may seem obvious,but many people find out
after they take coverage that the hospital or medical
doctor you use are not in the network.
* Medication is definitely an area that needs to be looked
at. Prescription costs are rising daily, and there are
secrets to cutting these costs with a little effort. Most
medication today does have a generic form,and many health
insurance plans have a zero deductible and low co-payment
for generic drugs. Another key point is try to find out if
you can order your "maintenance drugs"(the ones that you
have been on for some time and the dosage has not changed)
in 90 day supplies as this will cut a lot of cost for you.
* Finally, if you want one of the lowest cost health
insurance premiums and have tax savings at the same time
consider an HSA (health savings account). This plan is very
straightforward as you meet the designated deductible
whether it is from inpatient or out patient treatment,or
medication and once met the policy will cover 100% up to
the designated amount. Usually at least 2 million dollars
for the life of the policy. The premiums are put into a tax
savings account and you have a nice write off for the year.
Talk to an accountant to see if this may fit you.
With healthcare premiums rising using these affordable
health insurance secrets will help you cut costs without
jeperdizing your benefits. As we said before, one size does
not fit all in health insurance but if you only apply one
of these secrets you can be closer to fitting your needs
and budget.
Dean Calvert
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