Turn your dreams into reality. Streamline your sales
presentation while increasing your success rate. Nothing
automatically propels you to the top in the world. James
Cagney in a movie thought he was "on top of the world". He
was taking control of his mind, reflecting on being the
best at what he did. Insurance salesperson with high enough
goals find themselves exceeding their wildest expectations.
It is time to awaken your senses to no limitations .The
technique is surprisingly easy to master. Take the time to
search for and then practice learning the trade secrets. To
soar up like an eagle, you can't have clipped wings. This
means being one mean selling machine. Awesome achievement
provides the incentives to master the required steps. Do
not combine ANY of your new, highly effective closing
presentation with the company man presentation. Write it
yourself, it must sound like you, not a recording.
The keys to a superior presentation are self motivation,
knowledge of your product, and confidence to make the sale.
Start by making your sales presentation more powerful than
ever. You can get five stars on your forehead! Just do an
entire presentation in 10 minutes from start to finish.
Have an associate, spouse, or friend time you until you can
do it with skipping any steps.
1. Get your prospects attention. This doesn't mean driving
an army tank to the prospects' door. Put yourself in your
client's shoes. List a perfect combination of 12 items that
will rattle your client's attention. Start immediately at
the door with a free gift. A new sports team logo hat or a
small bunch of flowers could be two of your dozen ideas.
2. Next you need to get the prospects interest in your
product or presentation. Telling them you are very busy, is
packed with dynamite. Your briefcase is no longer seen as
overnight luggage, and it portrays you not fighting over a
sale until they say no eight times. Keep control by asking
to set at a table where you want you show them a must see
option that was just introduced. Ask them if they mind if
you take off your tie.
3. Limit yourself to three brief reasons why your plan is
superior. Include painting a picture of someone who didn't
think they needed your product, yet signed up. Then explain
in visual term how this person or the person's family was
paid benefits they would have otherwise not received.
4. This is the portion most articles, most letters to get
leads, and most presentations share in common. THEY OMIT
THIS PORTION! Give 3 to 5 essential benefits your
insurance product gives your client. You will automatically
overcome some objections from ever coming up. Break out
piece by piece how your product is going to solve the
puzzle. Each of your benefits must link to an emotion. For
insurance salespeople viable emotions include fear, love,
security, increased happiness, and greed to build up money.
Keep it positive and exciting. Inject motivation and
inspirational adjectives and verbs to keep your entire
presentation positive.
5. Sales experts know that less talk tops all closing
rules. You already instilled the urge, now close the gap.
Never say, "Well what do you think?" Instead slowly say,
"Does this plan provide the protection you need, or if you
can't afford it, I can show you the limited benefit plan?
Wait until you get an answer, and this means sometimes a
few minutes. Practice with a variety of cosing questions,
until you find a couple that work smoothly for you.
Explore the office sales chart, watching how consistently
you are giving yourself a raise graduating to the major
leagues. It may be time to set a higher goal. There is no
harm in striving to become the world's greatest salesperson
If feel you are falling short, remember success is a
journey never a destination. The journey becomes very
Don Yerke is the marketing adviser, and article writer at
Agents Insurance Marketing USA, Inc. Explore
Tips, secrets, and
advice, inspire you to read more information. The site is
crammed with beneficial articles on obtaining quality
leads, marketing skills, and sales letter writers. Elevate
your career with an insightful boost. Don's articles are
full of researched information others dare not publish
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