Whether you're a seasoned credit card pro or someone who's
new to the world of plastic, there are five rules you'd do
well to remember. After all, credit cards can make or break
your credit rating. You don't want it to be the latter.
With that in mind, here are five credit card rules to live
1. On Time Every Time
Think one late payment won't hurt? Think paying a day late
can't harm your credit card situation? Think again. One
late payment and your credit card company can hit you with
the "universal default" rate (usually about 30 percent)
instead of the great rate you signed up for.
Even if you don't get hit with a higher interest rate as
punishment for that late payment, you will end up paying a
late fee. Unless you want to pay $30 because you paid your
credit card a day late, I suggest paying on time every time.
2. Read The ToS
The ToS (Terms of Service) that is sent with your credit
card is not simply paper padding to protect the thin piece
of plastic as it goes through the mail. It's actually
important reading. It tells you what your grace period is,
what your interest rate is, what the default interest rate
is and other important information.
It's a pain in the rear. The print is small and the
material isn't exactly exciting, but you are obligated to
read these Terms of Service. The minute you use your credit
card, you are agreeing to them. Technically, the ToS can
say "you give us the right to your first born child" and if
you didn't read them, you'd never know.
3. Stay True
Jumping from one card to another to take advantage of their
teaser rates may sound like a good idea, but if you close
accounts once you do so you're actually hurting your credit
rating. Part of your credit score is determined by the
length of the relationships you have with your creditors.
If you're maxing your credit card relationships out at six
months, your score is going to take a hit.
4. All or Nothing
A credit limit is not a license to spend. If you have a
credit limit of $5,000 it doesn't mean you should go out
and max out your card. Only spend as much as you can pay
off in any given month. If you can't pay your bill in full
at the end of the month, you're going to be paying interest
and that's not a good thing. Bottom line - don't charge
more than you can pay off unless it's a dire emergency.
5. Know Your Cards
Almost all credit cards come with some type of perk.
Whether it's as basic as online account management or as
extravagant as 24/7 concierge service, know exactly what
your credit card offers and take advantage of these perks.
And there you have it... Five credit card rules to live by.
The credit card game can be a confusing one, and many have
played and failed. Fortunately, many more have played to
win. Put yourself in the winner's circle by playing by
these five credit card rules.
For more tips on credit cards, saving money and avoiding
getting taken, check out CreditCardWhizKid.com, a website
that specializes in providing credit card tips, advice and
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