Saturday, October 13, 2007

MasterCard and Visa Credit Cards: Should you Apply for Both?

MasterCard and Visa Credit Cards: Should you Apply for Both?
MasterCard and Visa: they're both household names in
today's credit card world. In fact, MasterCard and Visa are
so common that if you're shopping for a new card, it may be
difficult to choose one over the other. Which one is more
widely accepted? Which one has better benefits? Should you
apply for both? Here are some points to consider while
comparing MasterCard and Visa credit cards.

How MasterCard and Visa Operate

While you see their name on many cards, MasterCard and Visa
do not actually issue credit cards. Rather, they function
in a behind-the-scenes way. MasterCard and Visa are payment
systems. They create and maintain the computer networks
that process their credit card transactions. This is no
small task. Literally billions of credit card transactions
occur at ATMs and merchants around the world.

Other banks, such as Chase and Bank of America, issue the
actual credit cards. These banks work with MasterCard or
Visa. They place the brand name on their cards. If you see
the Visa name on a credit card, it means that Visa is
backing up the card. The same is true for cards with the
MasterCard logo on them. This is why you see cards with
names such as the Chase Platinum MasterCard. Note that the
name of the bank and the payment system are both mentioned.
When you make a payment, it goes to the bank that issued
the card.

Comparing MasterCard and Visa

As far as worldwide acceptance, MasterCard and Visa are
quite comparable. Both of them have an established global
presence. Most retailers will take either one without
hesitation. In rare occasions, a retailer may only accept
one or the other. Even then, you should be able to find
another store close by that does take your card.

If you're searching for a credit card, you are probably
comparing interest rates, reward programs, fees, and
included benefits. Keep in mind that the issuing banks
determine these factors. They are not decided by MasterCard
or Visa.

Reasons to Get Both

If you are applying for your first card, remember that
MasterCard and Visa are quite similar. You will want to
look at the various benefits offered by the banks that
issue the cards. If you are planning to keep a balance from
month to month, you may want to consider a card with a low
interest rate. If you are looking for rewards and are able
to pay off the balance in full each month, a card with a
good reward program may better fit you.

If you have a Visa and want another credit card, it may be
wise to get a MasterCard (and vice versa). The same is true
for banks. If you have a card from Chase, try looking into
a different card issuer. Having variety will aid you should
anything happen to one of the institutions. Also, since the
different lenders are in competition, you may receive
offers for better credit card deals in the future.

MasterCard and Visa are both solid credit card choices.
Having a card from each company will give you more credit
options. And having cards from different banks will get you
access to the best reward programs, interest rates, and
other benefits. Start looking online today. Then pick out
the credit cards that work best for you.

To View Visa Card Offers click the following link:
ions.php . For MasterCard Offers click
hp . Ed Vegliante runs
, a directory helping consumers to compare and apply for
credit cards.

Tips for Getting on the Road to Discount Car Insurance

Tips for Getting on the Road to Discount Car Insurance
For many, auto insurance is very expensive. Whether it's
because of an imperfect driving record, flawed credit
history or simply because the driver is young, the costs
can quickly add up. However, there is good news and better
news. The good news is that there are several ways in
which you can work toward discount car insurance rates.
The better news is that this article will show you how.
Below are several tips for getting yourself on the road to
discount auto insurance.

- If you are a minor who has either a learner's permit or
driver's license, enroll in a driver's education class if
offered at your high school. Upon successful completion of
the course, many auto insurance companies will reduce your
auto insurance rates. In addition, keeping your grades
high, usually at a B average or better, may result in
discount auto insurance as an incentive to keep learning.
If you are the parent of a minor, making sure that your
child follows these steps may help to lower your auto
insurance rates.

- When purchasing your next automobile, choose wisely. An
SUV or sports car will carry a higher insurance premium, as
will a new vehicle. If you want to save some money on your
auto insurance rates, choosing a standard automobile may
help you to achieve lower rates. Additionally, purchasing
a used car will almost always result in cheap auto
insurance when compared to that required for a new vehicle.

- Drive safely. Always make sure that you drive under the
speed limit because even a traffic ticket can cause your
auto insurance rates to increase. Always make sure to wear
your seatbelt and take proper care when driving on slippery
roads. Studies have shown that most accidents occur close
to home, so always remain alert and attentive until your
car is parked safely in the driveway.

- If at all possible, pay for your automobile in cash.
When you finance a vehicle, the lender requires that you
carry complete auto insurance coverage. If you pay in
cash, you may be able to reduce your auto insurance costs
by only purchasing that which is required by law and not
excessive coverage that some lenders may impose.

- Shop around. One of the best ways to get discount auto
insurance is to simply request free auto insurance quotes
from different companies and choose the one that can offer
you the best value for your dollar.

- Keep your credit history in good shape. Believe it or
not, your credit history may greatly impact your auto
insurance rates. Agents often check credit reports and, if
you have badly damaged credit, you may end up paying more
even if you have a clean driving record. The best way to
clean up your credit report is to check the information
yourself and dispute any inaccuracies with the reporting

The information in this article is designed to be used for
reference purposes only. It should not be used as, in
place of or in conjunction with professional financial or
insurance advice relating to auto insurance quotes,
discount auto insurance or auto insurance rates. For
additional information or to receive an auto insurance
quote, contact a local auto insurance company.

Andrew Daigle is the owner, creator and author of many
successful websites including , an auto
insurance company research site and , a site for
finding the best loan for your needs.

What Separates The Men From The Boys In Forex Trading

What Separates The Men From The Boys In Forex Trading
If you trade the forex or online currency market, I am sure
that at some point in your trading career you have had the
unfortunate experience of a string of losing trades. Maybe
it even got so bad that you actually wiped out an entire
trading account (sadly, I know what that feels like).

Conversely, you probably also know what it feels like to
have a string of massively winning trades, and few feelings
in the world of forex can match the ecstacy of this
experience. And I am sure that you have at least heard of
some of those traders that seem to always experience this,
those who have seemingly god-like abiities to create truly
staggering amounts of money in a short period of time.

But what is it exactly that separates the highly profitable
traders from the mediocre or novice traders? Do they maybe
have some secret newsletter that they share amongst
themselves that gives exchange rates a day in advance? Not
quite. Actually the answer is surprisingly simple, but
this does not mean it is exactly easy to implement in your
own life.

The ability to consistently place highly profitable trades
in the forex market comes from being able to completely
separate your emotions from your trading, and to be almost
completely detached from the outcomes of your trades.

I can pretty much guarantee that you will not find a single
professional, profitable forex trader that obsessively
checks his trades every two minutes, and then freaks out if
they start to go down. If you find yourself doing this,
then you have a high level of emotional attachment to your
forex trading, and this is most likely the reason why you
are not yet fabulously successful.

Now I am sure that if you are reading this article then you
have at least some basic knowledge of the foreign currency
market, and you will also know what a pip is. Forex
traders have heard this funny little word before and are
familiar with it, but I bet that if you went up to some
random person in the street and said 'Excuse me, can you
tell me what a pip is?' they would be tempted to laugh in
your face.

The word 'pip' is actually an acronym for 'price interest
point,' and it is the smallest unit that a currency
exchange rate can fluctuate. For example, if the current
exchange rate for GBP/USD (that's the British Pound/Dollar
cross, but you already know that) is 1.1800 and it goes up
to 1.1850, then we would say that the price has increased
by 50 pips.

So we have established that profitable forex traders
possess a high degree of emotional control, and the key to
getting to this level of emotional detachment when trading
is to only focus on the PIPS rather than the MONEY. This
is easy in theory, but when you are really at your computer
placing those trades it can be alot harder. You need to
change your perception of forex trading altogether, and
instead of viewing it as a way to make money, try to see it
as only a game where you try to accumulate pips, and the
more pips you gather the better you do.

A really good way to begin to change your perception of
forex trading to the point where you see it as only a
'pip-gathering game' and you are no longer blinded by
emotions is to make extensive use of demo accounts. Do not
overlook the importance of using a demo account to gain
trading experience, because this is literally your roaming
ground for learning how to place profitable trades without
fear. After all, there is virtually no difference at all
between the way your trading platform looks when you are
trading a demo account, and how it looks with a real

It stands to reason that because a demo account and a live
account are so similar, if you spend time getting to the
point where you can trade a demo account profitably, doing
the same thing with a real account will look and feel

Mainly, it is this change in perception where you only see
forex trading as a game that separates the men from the
boys and the winners from the losers in forex. And the
great irony is... the less you care about actually making
money, the more money you make!!

Online forex trading can be a very profitable business, but
many more people lose money in forex than those who make
money simply because they do not know how to trade
properly. Put yourself in the profitable minority, and go
to to find out how you can
build your fortune in forex.