Friday, November 9, 2007

Are Student Credit Cards Dangerous To The Economy?

Student credit cards are the stepping stone of one's entry
into adulthood. Banks have recognized that they can help
build a foundation of responsibility by offering credit
cards to students. It also builds a lifelong trust between
students and the banks that offer these cards. Most of the
students who apply and receive credit cards from banks, go
on to become business professionals. Financial
institutions realize that is extremely important to develop
relationships with these future business leaders of

Statistics clearly show that after graduation, students
tend to stay with their respective credit card companies
for very long periods of time. This is a crucial fact that
financial institutions have learned through years of
research. It is because of this, that credit card
companies have continued to increasingly develop and target
ad campaigns directed at students. It has become easier
than ever, for a student to apply and be accepted for a
student card.

Many industry experts feel that it is extremely dangerous
for financial institutions to offer credit cards to
students. Some say, that it is due to the fact, that the
credit limits are often based upon what the credit card
company feels the student will earn in the future and not
what they currently earn. Most students, while in school,
have little to no income, and have almost no credit history

Students who apply for credit cards also tend to spend
their money on items that are not long term, such as
entertainment, food, and living expenses. Studies have
shown, that many students disregard the credit card debt
after graduation. This is primarily because the majority
of their credit balance was spent on intangible items.
This leads to a "why should I continue to pay for something
that I no longer have" justification. Given this fact,
many financial institutions have seen a higher number of
defaults on their student credit cards. Most students
don't default on their credit cards, however, the students
that do default, have placed a tremendous financial burden
onto the banks who carry the debt.

The real question shouldn't be: "are student credit cards
dangerous for the economy?", but: " is the economy
dangerous for students?" Why would a student even need a
credit card? The simple answer: school tuition and living
expenses. Schools have become outrageously expensive these
days. College costs have increased faster than inflation
for the past eleven years, according to the College Board,
which is a non-profit organization of schools,
universities, and colleges. Many students are asking why
they have to go into debt to earn an education?

So here's the question again: are student credit cards
dangerous to the economy? It all depends on how you look
at it. On one hand, it teaches self reliance, builds
credit, and allows students to enter into the financial
marketplace. On the other hand, the student credit card
can cause bad spending habits, create a bad borrowing
history, and cause students to become slaves to the debt.
So whether or not student credit cards are dangerous to the
economy, is really dependent on the individual student. It
all comes down to the character of the borrower. Student
credit cards, if used prudently, can build a bridge to
financial success, but if used unwisely, they can become a
burden to the economy and a stumbling block to a student's
chance at a responsible financial future.

Bryan Pringle, Ph.D., has written many articles on the
credit industry, and is the webmaster of websites offering
news and information regarding credit cards. For more
information, please visit:

The Inside Story Of Debt Consolidation

Debt consolidation is a service that requires you to take a
low interest loan to pay off other high interest loans. The
aim of the loan is to reduce the monthly payments.

If you have been paying high interest rates on an unsecured
loan, then you can look for a secured debt consolidation
loan that requires you to pledge security collateral
against the loan. It can be a home or an asset of higher
value than the loan amount.

Collateralization automatically reduces the risk for the
lender and hence the lender will be more than willing to
offer low rates. On the other hand, if you default on the
loan, there is always the risk of foreclosure or forced
sale of the asset which you pledged as security in the
first place.

Debt consolidation in paying credit card debt

If you are paying a credit card debt, then you must know
that credit cards have a higher interest rate than even an
unsecured loan. You can always seek a debt consolidation
secured loan by pledging property or a vehicle as
collateral and reduce your monthly interest rates. The
total interest and the cash flow will also be reduced and
it will allow you to pay off the debt sooner than the norm.

But if you are an impulsive spender who spends more than he
earns, then this will not benefit you that much for you
will only increase your credit card balance.

Types of debt consolidation,

There are several types of debt consolidation loans in
which you take one low interest loan to repay several loans
that you might be paying now.

Bankruptcy is one of the debt consolidation loan types. The
rules state that you can repay a part of the loan even if
you are not paying it off completely. The court usually
assigns someone to supervise the payment distribution. You
make the timely payments to the appointee who then pays it
to your creditors.

You can also seek credit counseling services for debt
consolidation. In this you do not take out a loan but use a
third party to negotiate on your behalf for reducing the
interest rates and the monthly payments. You pay the
monthly installments to the counselor who then distributes
it to the creditors. You can once again save on interest
rates here.

Although debt negotiation is not necessarily a type of debt
consolidation, it is considered to be a similar service.
The counselor will set up an account in which you have to
make monthly payments. The money from this account is used
to pay off the creditors. The counselor is better equipped
and has considerable expertise in making negotiations and
you will be able to get much better rates than norm.

Finally, the type of debt consolidation loan that you
choose depends on your personal situation and choice. Make
sure that you understand the pros and cons for each one
before selecting it.

Debbie Groves is the owner of The Debt Consolidation
People, Inc. which is a premier resource for debt
consolidation information. For more information, go to

Credit Report Monitoring

Identity theft is at an all time high as a result of the
digital age of paperless transactions and online databases.
Why would anyone want to steal someone's identity? Some
people think it is just for the purpose of starting fresh
or getting away from their previous life, but the vast
majority of identity thieves do it for money. If they have
your personal identity information they can also retrieve
your banking information, credit card numbers, and more.
Those who are using other identities are usually using many
identities for the purpose of stealing money from all of
them, perhaps by withdrawing funds from their bank or
setting up a credit card in their name. The scary thing
about identity theft is that the violators have little care
that they may be taking everything another individual owns
as well as destroying their credit for a number of years.
If a victim is unable to detect identity theft for over six
months, it can do severe financial damage. You can of
course investigate your own credit reports and accounts
regularly, or you can pay for a credit monitoring service
to investigate for you.

One of the greatest advantages to using a credit monitoring
program is the convenience. Instead of living life,
constantly paranoid of identity theft, credit monitors can
do the worrying for you. Odds are, a monitoring program
will also investigate more thoroughly than the average
citizen. Monitoring services commonly monitor new account
activity, address changes, collection accounts, changes to
account information, credit limit increases, credit
inquiries, changes in public records, changes in current
accounts, and recently closed or flagged accounts. Yes, all
of these things can be equally investigated by an eager
individual, but routinely checking all of these cues for
identity theft can be tedious and unpleasant. Regardless,
it is important to check all or more of these areas to keep
a close watch on the possibility of identity theft. Early
detection is the key to monitoring your credit before the
financial loss has become too great, and with an online
identity theft monitoring service, you can just go on
living life without the burden of becoming a part time

When considering a monitoring service, you should first
consider where that provider receives information. It is
most desirable for an identity theft service to obtain
information from the three major credit agencies. How often
the service monitors your information is also relevant. The
frequency of your credit monitoring will increase your
chances of early detection. Various services and programs
also vary in how often they release reports and give
updates, and some provide actual identity theft insurance
in the event that they make a mistake and overlook a thief.

There are a host of things to take into account when
deciding how to keep a close eye on your credit
information. Identity theft is a very real problem that no
one believes will really happen, but the reality is that it
happens every day. If you choose not to use an online
identity theft service or other credit monitoring program
get organized so that you can closely monitor the
activities associated with your identity. It will save you
so many problems in the future.

---------------------------------------------------- is the nations leading resource
for credit reports,credit scores and credit report
monitoring.Learn what most don't know.

How To Repair Bad Credit

Can bad credit be repaired? Most consumers believe that
once you have bad credit, then you will never again have
good credit. Bad credit is extremely difficult to repair,
however, it can be done. What you need to keep in mind, is
that bad credit only lasts as long as the delinquencies on
your credit report last. Once the negative items on your
credit report are removed, then you will once again have
good credit.

Okay, so what is the time limit for negative items to stay
on a credit report? Bankruptcies stay on the credit report
for about ten years and negative items stay on for about
seven years. Why do I say "about" seven and ten years for
negative items? Typically, the negative items should be
removed after seven and ten years, however, it often takes
a bit longer for these items to be removed by the credit
bureaus. In general, the seven and ten year periods are
calculated from the date that the event took place.

One way to repair bad credit, is to negotiate a settlement
of delinquent debt. Generally, you can negotiate with the
debt collection agency or bank that owns your delinquent
debt. A rule of thumb, is to try and pay about thirty to
fifty cents on the dollar. You can usually get an
agreement, in which the debt owner, will agree to place a
"settled in full" statement on your credit report, once you
have paid the agreed upon amount. Never pay the negotiated
debt settlement amount, until you have an agreement in
writing. This is because once you have paid this amount,
the debt owner, has no incentive to place the "settled in
full" statement on your report. If you pay the debt, and
the debt owner fails to place the "settled in full"
statement on your report, without an agreement in writing,
you will have no proof that the debt was settled in full.

If you don't have any money to repay any portion of the
delinquent debt, then another way to re-establish good
credit, is to start taking out small loans at a bank or
loaning institution. This method also works by
establishing timely payments through secured credit cards.
It seems quite bizarre, but you can actually drown out bad
items with good items. What this simply means, is that if
you have fifty loans that are in good standing and ten
loans in bad standing, the loans in bad standing, will be
eclipsed by the loans in good standing. Keep in mind, that
you will have to take out very small loans, and pay these
loans back on time, in full, every time. Paying off about
twenty to thirty small loans on time, will make a
significant difference in calculating your credit score.
Many individuals credit scores can raise a few hundred
points, in a relatively short period of time, with this

What if you have bad credit because of fraudulent activity?
First, let's specifically define fraudulent activity. The
majority of the consumers define fraudulent activity, as
individuals who take out credit cards or loans, based upon
someone else's identifying information. That is only
partially true. Fraudulent activity, can also be a credit
card company illegal raising an interest rate in violation
of contract terms, a loan being called in before it is due,
a bank demanding an illegally accelerated payment of a loan
or credit card, or any other violation of law by a
financial institution regarding the repayment of a debt.
Most consumers fail to recognize when financial
institutions commit fraud. The simple solution for fixing
bad credit because of fraudulent activity, is to dispute
the activity on your credit report. In real estate, the
motto is: location, location, location. When it comes to
fraudulent credit activity, the motto is: dispute, dispute,
dispute. Consumers have the right to dispute any and all
fraudulent activity on the report, whether by individuals
or financial institutions, by contacting the three credit
bureaus and disputing the debt, in writing.

Bad credit, can and should be, repaired. With a little
effort and time, bad credit items can be either erased,
settled, or eclipsed by good credit.

Bryan Pringle, Ph.D., has written many articles on the
credit industry, and is the webmaster of websites offering
news and information regarding credit cards. For more
information, please visit:

High Credit Score Advantages

Everyone seems to realize that having a high credit score
is great, but there are even more advantages than most
people know. Qualifying for loans tends to be the advantage
that most people focus on, but discovering the other
advantages might really ignite an interest to work toward a
higher score.

Yes, loan eligibility is an amazing credit score benefit,
but getting lower interest rates on those loans is even
more important. The better interest rates you qualify for
put money directly back into your own pocket. This goes for
rates on other services as well. Having a low credit score
can actually add one to two points to a motor vehicle
insurance premium. Why is this related? Your ability to
make responsible payments is also important to insurance
agencies, credit card companies, cell phone providers, and
more. Maintaining a great score will help you to save money
in all of these areas.

If you are an owner of a small business, getting a line of
credit or small-business loan may be imperative to your
success. If a business is less than three years old,
personal credit plays a huge factor in your eligibility and
interest rates. At this stage of small business, lenders
have trouble making a distinction between your business
credit history and your private credit score.

If you are not a business owner and work better in a job
atmosphere, there are even rewards in the job market. Many
professional employers actual do a credit check before a
new hire. These high level employers consider your credit
score a representation of your responsible behavior. An
employee that has difficulty managing their own finances
might not be the best person to take care of company needs.
This is especially true for employment in fields that are
especially tied to financial practices such as banks,
accounting firms, and treasuries.

The biggest advantage to a high credit score is the buying
power you will possess. The possibilities for investment
and rates on large purchases are much better. You will
spend less on a new car, be able to make a big investment
in a growing real estate market, or get the loans you need
to send your children to the best college. The
opportunities are almost limitless when credit is handled
well. If you don't have a great score right now, it is
never to late to get started on your way to rebuilding it
or building it up for the first time. There are a number of
helpful online sources to assist you. Start by getting a
free credit score report from an online provider.

---------------------------------------------------- is the nations leading resource
for credit reports and credit scores.Learn what most don't