Monday, February 18, 2008

The Pros and Cons of a Bank of America Secured Credit Card

The Pros and Cons of a Bank of America Secured Credit Card
Why should you consider a Bank of America secured credit
card? When it comes to secured credit cards, the fairness
and value offered really does run the gambit. There are the
outright atrocious cards that charge ridiculous fees and
offer little value and then there are the great cards that
give you everything you deserve. If you've been considering
a Bank of America secured card, here are some pros and cons
to consider.

Pro: An Opportunity to Build or Restore Your Credit

The Bank of America secured credit card offers you a chance
to rebuild your credit. Unlike prepaid credit cards and
some of the other secured cards on the market, Bank of
America will report your credit card activity to the three
credit bureaus. This means your good account standing will
have a positive impact on your credit report, which will
raise your credit score over time.

Pro: A Reasonable Annual Fee

Bank of America offers very reasonable annual fees with
their secured card. While some companies try and charge
$50, $60 or even more for their cards, Bank of America's
annual fee is just $29. That's a great value when compared
to the other secured credit cards on the market.

Pro: Small Deposit Requirements

Many secured cards will require a deposit of $500 or more
to open a secured credit account. Bank of America's minimum
deposit is just $300. If you don't have a lot of cash to
spare, this can make all the difference in the world.

Con: A High Interest Rate

When you go to the Bank of America website to check out
their secured card, it might look like a reasonable
interest rate at first glance. However, it's not the 10.99%
variable APR that many some consumers think. If you look
closely at the site, it's a prime PLUS 10.99% variable APR.
That means if prime is 7%, your APR is 17.99%, not 10.99%.

Con: High Balance Transfer Fees

If you want to do a balance transfer or take out a cash
advance, the fees might be a problem. Not only will you be
charged regular interest, you'll also be charged a 4%
transfer/cash advance fee.

When applying for a secured card it's important that you
make sure the card you choose is the best card for your
needs. If you'll be paying your bill in full each month and
don't have any balance transfer or cash advance needs, the
Bank of America secured credit card may very well be the
best card for you.

For more tips on secured credit cards, saving money and
avoiding getting taken, check out, a
website that specializes in providing credit card tips,
advice and resources.

Getting Paid On Time And Debt Recovery When The Credit Crunch Bites

Getting Paid On Time And Debt Recovery When The Credit Crunch Bites
Undoubtedly the best credit control initiative is to
arrange the sales invoicing such that customers pay up
front for goods and services. Despite care taken to
exercise credit checks on new customers the actual payment
experience is often more valuable in practise.

New clients can be asked to pay in advance by issuing pro
forma sales invoices for the initial orders until credit
checks are complete. In businesses which involve the
supplier incurring costs prior to invoicing such as
purchasing materials for a job then it is logical the terms
of trade should require the client to pay an upfront
deposit to cover this expenditure.

The majority of business is conducted on a credit basis and
the terms of supply and payment of goods and services
should be clearly stated in a set of trading terms the
potential customer should sign and agree to before trading
commences. The terms of trade should state clearly the
effective date an invoice becomes payable, credit allowed
and the interest that may be charged in the event of late

When credit is tight during a credit crunch the money
supply reduces and the cash flow of every business is
affected. Business which have a lack of credit control over
sales income suffer the most as other businesses take
advantage to supplement their own cash deficiencies and
liquidity problems. The solution is to review and set a
clear financial policy the business will follow.

The first step in a credit control system is to ensure
customers want to pay in advance and within the agreed
terms. The very best way to achieve early settlement is to
make the settlement in the interest of the client and money
is in every businesses interest.

A potential solution would be to offer a cash discount for
early settlement. Offering a cash discount for early
settlement adds another valuable tool to the credit control
procedures as the debtors who do not take up the potential
of paying lower prices are most likely to already have cash
flow problems and credit should be restricted.

The financial policies of a credit control system should
include accurate accounting records and the prompt issuing
of sales invoices and the regular production of customer
statements. Clients who go over the allowed credit limit
must be sent a series of credit control letters worded to
ensure the customers take action to pay the outstanding

Credit control letters should be sent at predetermined
intervals and each should indicate the amount outstanding
should be paid immediately by escalating the effect on the
business relationship if payment is not made.

Such an escalation may be an initial statement of the
amounts due for payment. Many accounting and bookkeeping
departments use the supplier statements to schedule
payments rather than individual sales invoices. Personal
contact with the supplier accountant or bookkeeper can
assist early settlement.

The first letter should advise the debtor that the standard
terms and conditions have been exceeded and request payment
to maintain a sound trading relationship. The next credit
control letter might advise the sales debtor that late
payment penalties and interest payments will be invoked if
payment is not made.

In the UK there is a statutory right under the Late Payment
of Commercial debts (Interest) Act 1998 to charge debtors
interest on late payment and also claim reasonable debt
recovery costs. The right to exercise this statutory right
does not apply if the terms and conditions of the business
set out different debt recovery parameters. Unless the
terms and conditions or sales invoice set a different
credit term then every commercial invoiced is due after 30

In the UK the interest rate a business can charge is fixed
twice annually on 30 June and 31 December using the base
rate as the reference rate and then is applicable for the
following 6 months. A rate fixed on 31 December is
applicable from 1 January to 30 June of the following year.

The interest rate to be charged would be the Bank of
England base rate plus 8 per cent. If the base rate is 5
per cent on the reference date then the amount that can be
charged would be 5 plus 8 equals 13 per cent.

In the UK there is a set schedule of reasonable debt
recovery costs that can be charged to late paying
customers. These costs are 40 pounds for debts under 1,000
pounds, 70 pounds for debts between 1,000 and 10,000 pounds
and 100 pounds for debts over 10,000 pounds.

If the client chooses to ignore being charged extra for non
payment then the next letter should advise the debtor the
future orders will be placed on stop until the account is
brought to order. Such action by the supplier may harm
future sales but it is better to restrict the financial
exposure to the sales already made than continue to extend
credit where the prospect of never being paid may become a

If payment has not been received by this stage then a
serious situation has developed. The customer has not paid
on time causing the business a reduction in cash flow. The
debtor has also indicated by non payment action that
increased costs through interest and penalties is
preferable to paying and finally that they are prepared to
risk not receiving further goods and services.

At this stage the supplying business has to consider legal
action to recover the outstanding balance. The amount
outstanding is at risk and legal debt recovery should be
invoked to avoid the whole balance becoming a bad debt
which may never be recovered with the consequential effect
on both cash flow and net profit.

Terry Cartwright designs Small Business Accounting Software
at on excel spreadsheets
providing complete Bookkeeping Spreadsheet solutions at for small to
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Investing in Stock Options - What You Need to Know About Options

Investing in Stock Options - What You Need to Know About Options
Stock options are important investments to consider when
you are building wealth in the stock market. The most basic
definition for a stock option is a contract that allows an
investor to purchase or sell a specified stock at a
specified price, within a specified amount of time.
Employers commonly give stock options as asset based
compensation, and investors buy and sell options on the
stock market to gain capital. Every stock option is
characterized by the name of the stock, the strike price,
the option contract expiration date and the price that was
paid for the contract.

Basic Terms:

Call Options- these give the owner the right to buy a stock
at a specified price, within a specified amount of time.
Investors who buy call options are hoping that the stock
value increases before the option expiration date.

Put Options- these give the owner the right to sell a stock
at a specified price, within a specified amount of time.
Investors who buy put options are hoping that the stock
value decreases before the option expiration date.

Strike Price- the price that the option can be bought or
sold at.

Options Investor Types: Buyers of Call Options, Sellers of
Call Options, Buyers of Put Options, Sellers of Put Options

There is an important difference between the investors who
buy and investors who sell options. Investors who buy puts
and calls have the choice to exercise their option
contracts. Investors who sell puts or calls have the
obligation to exercise their options contracts.

The price of a stock option must go above the strike price
for investors to exercise and make a profit on call options
and the price must go below the strike price for investors
to make a profit on put options. When options fall into
these ranges, they are called "in the money".

Options can be used for a wide range of trading scenarios,
such as:

-Reducing your risk from stock ownership

-Generating an income from stock you already hold

-Speculative trading in an up or down market

-Multi leg option strategies to take advantage of specific
market action

-Volatility based strategies to take advantage of market
volatility even if you do not know which way the market
will go.

While is it true that options take some time to understand
and to master, most people agree that once they have spent
the time to properly educate themselves about options, that
they are much better off for doing so.

Many stock traders I know, once learning about options have
never traded a single stock again. They can make more
money, and take less risk by using a properly structured
option strategy.

So if anyone is still on the fence, it's definitely worth
taking the time to learn about options.

To learn more about how you can harness the power of
options, download our free ebook and online video at

UK Credit Secrets - The hidden facts of your credit report revealed.

UK Credit Secrets - The hidden facts of your credit report revealed.
While one in three UK residents has some form of bad credit
on their credit file, the vast majority still hold the view
that repairing their credit is just some hype or myth, the
truth is that credit repair in the UK is very easy to do

There is still so much incorrect information about credit
repair that people have become convinced that if they have
bad credit then there is nothing they can do about it. If
people really knew how easy it is to repair their credit
report I am sure they would happily spend the short amount
of time it takes to do what is needed. After all, we live
in a society where credit is a major factor.

If you have a bad credit score then you will experience
difficulties in obtaining such common things as mobile
phones, bank accounts, overdrafts etc. Having a good credit
score is a very important part of life simply due to how we

Maybe one of the biggest problems which prevent many people
from having good credit is the lack of available
information on the subject. It is very easy to get into
financial difficulty which can negatively affect your
credit rating but getting back out of this situation is
just as easy when you know how.

This is where the term 'credit repair' comes to mind - but
the term conjures up thoughts of cowboy companies ripping
people off by making claims which they cannot back up.
Maybe it is this which makes many people think that it is
impossible to repair their credit report.

In truth, repairing your credit simply means that you take
actions which cause positive credit information to be added
to your credit report. It's the opposite of taking an
action that causes negative information to be added to your
credit report. If you have a loan where you have made all
payments on time and in full then this will add positive
information to your credit report. This will help to raise
your credit score.

If you do not meet your loan repayments on time and in full
then this will add negative information to your credit
report. This will in turn cause your credit score to drop
which affects your overall credit rating.

Once you understand this basic concept, you will appreciate
how you can use it to help repair your credit if you
currently suffer from a bad credit rating. Credit repair
isn't just about having bad information removed from your
credit report; it's about adding as much positive credit
information to your credit report which will help to
improve your overall credit rating.

View our exclusive online video that shows you just one way
in which your credit report is used against your without
your knowledge at