Monday, April 21, 2008

Five Sell Your House Fast Tips

Five Sell Your House Fast Tips
Are looking to sell your home? It is rarely ones goal to
drag the house selling process out so you are probably
looking to sell your home quickly.

With the tips below you should be able to sell your house

1. The first way, and typically the quickest, is to use a
real estate agent to sell your house. Real estate agents
provide you with suggestions when selling your home. You
know that the agent is going to help you because their goal
is to help you sell as fast as possible so that they earn
their commission.

Many people do not want to do way one because it involves
paying a commission to the real estate agent which means
you will earn less on the sale of your house. If you are
one of these people continue reading the tips below on
things you can do to help sell your house fast.

2. You need to make sure that you clean and paint all your
appliances. This is an important thing to do if you are
also selling the appliances with your house. However, it is
just a good idea if you are keeping the appliances because
it gives the potential buyer a better picture of the house.
If you have different colored appliances such as your
stove, dishwasher, and refrigerator, you should look into
having them professionally painted so that they match.

3. You want your house to shine when the potential buyer
takes a look at it. In order to do this you need to make
sure that you clean the glass, polish the brass, and dust
your wood. The house will show better to buyers if it is
nice and clean.

4. If you have carpets in the house you need to have them
cleaned. Cleaning your carpets gives people the impression
that you like to keep your house clean. Also, dirty carpets
do not show well with many people because they know that it
means they will have to do it themselves which is a deal

5. Baking cookies or bread is a great way to activate the
potential buyer's emotions. Cookies or bread have been, in
most peoples minds, associated with good feelings. If you
can make the people viewing your house think of the good
times they have had over the holiday seasons with their
family it will give them a sense of warmth to the house,
which will make them more likely to buy.

If you are unable to sell your house over a long period of
time you eventually begin to lower the price tag for it and
you do not get as much money as you probably should have.
With these five sell your house fast tips, you should be
able to quickly sell your house.

James Redmond invites you to visit his best home offer
website if you want to sell your house fast. If you are a
private party who must sell your home because of
bankruptcy, divorce, to stop foreclosure, or other issues
he can help. He specializes in private party must sell home
help including selling Orange County homes fast. Please
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Understanding the Human Side of a Debt Collector May Help You Deal with One (Part 2)

Understanding the Human Side of a Debt Collector May Help You Deal with One (Part 2)
Yes, the current financial climate is gloomy and
threatening: the consumer's debt is mounting, and the
number of cars repossessed and homes foreclosed is

And maybe your personal debt is ballooning. Your personal
debt not only impairs your financial future through an
unfavorable credit score, but also plays havoc with your
present everyday living.

Even the minimum payment each month may look maximum to you
with so many other bills that need to be paid. On top of
that, dealing with creditors has become a nightmare due to
the avalanche of phone calls and mails from you debt

But it doesn't have to be like that.

Simply learn how to confront your problems and deal with
your debt collectors.

First, you must have the intention to bring your account
current. With the intention comes the determination to
settle your debt at any cost.

Wipe out the most expensive of all your debt FIRST -
which is often the credit card debt. This is because credit
card debt may hurt you more than you can earn. At 24, 25,
or even 29 percent of interest rate, credit card debt may
literally wipe you out financially. In addition, it can
have an adverse impact on your credit score - something you
need to think about long-term.

To overcome credit card debt, you need to set a specific
goal with a specific period to get yourself out of that

Accordingly, you can break your big mountain of debt into
smaller hills such that you will be able to climb them.
With the right mindset, you may begin to contact your debt
collectors with confidence.

Communication is the most important component in the world
of credit and collection. Without good communication, there
is no solution to your financial problems. Without a
positive relationship with your creditor, there is no way
any meaningful help - in the form of special payment
arrangements - can be extended to you. Communication is the
best option for you to get out of debt. Good communication
demonstrates your sincerity and resolution to get out of
the debt situation. Your debt collectors want to see your
goodwill, not your lament on the difficulties of your
present financial situation. Remember, debt collectors are
immune to all negative conditions. Just staying positive at
all times is the key to good communication with your

On the other hand, ignoring your creditors is the worst
possible option you can take, and it will never pay off. In
addition, don't ever make a promise to your creditors that
you know you will not be able to fulfill.

If you have a repayment plan, which has to be realistic,
and all the related documents in front of you, then make
that important phone call.

Take a deep breath, and call your debt collector. The
following is what you should do.

Ask to speak with the person who is actually handling your
account. Give the collector your account number, giving the
impression that you are ready and prepared to settle the
account. The first impression is important.

It is also important to document your conversation, such as
the date and time of the call, the first and last name of
the person, the title, as well as the specific telephone
number to call back.

Document any agreement or arrangement made to show your
sincerity and your concern of your credit. It is important
to create in the mind of your creditor that you are the
person he or she would like to work with.

Negotiate with your debt collector the repayment plan you
propose. Predetermine the bottom line you are prepared to
accept. Keep an open mind to the counter offers from your
debt collector. Negotiate and negotiate until some sort of
arrangement or agreement is reached.

If your debt collector is rude, ask if you should call back
later, and also mention in passing that you would like to
start on a positive note, without getting yourself irate.

Remember, always establish a good rapport during the first
call. Never give more than you can handle. Always follow
through a promise made to your debt collectors. They, too,
have their goals to make. Put yourself in their shoes, and
this is exactly what you should do when dealing with debt

Stephen Lau is a researcher and writer of medical research
for doctors and scientists worldwide. His several
publications include "NO MIRACLE CURES" a book on healing
and wellness, and "HOW TO TEACH CHILDREN TO READ" a book on
reading strategies. He has also created several websites on
health, golf, Zen living, mental depression, and money
management, including the following:

To SIPP Or Not To SIPP? - More Pension Options Explained

To SIPP Or Not To SIPP? - More Pension Options Explained
We have been seeing a lot of enquiries from clients wanting
to know if a Self Invested Personal Pension (SIPP) would be
appropriate for them.

Let's look at an example to illustrate this.

Let's say you have several personal pensions, some separate
share investments and an investment property. How can you
use a SIPP to invest in the shares and the property?

A SIPP allows greater control of pension investments and a
wider range of options. This means that, subject to what
legislation will allow, you can decide when, where and how
to invest your pension contributions.

By using a SIPP, you are able to access investment funds
which are managed by the full range of fund managers. You
will also be able to invest your fund directly in stocks
and shares, commercial property and other assets.

To assist with this, the fund will be able to borrow up to
a maximum of 50 per cent of the net assets of the scheme.
However, it should be noted that when borrowing to help
fund a property purchase, the SIPP will also need to cover
all associated costs such as stamp duty and legal fees.

As well as buying a new property, the ban on connected
party transactions that was lifted by HM Revenue & Customs
on April 6, 2006 means that if you already own a commercial
property, you can either sell the property to your SIPP or
pass the property to your SIPP as an in specie contribution.

Technically speaking, it is not possible for property,
shares or other allowable assets to be passed to a scheme
as a contribution. However, the Revenue has confirmed that
it is possible to say: "I am going to contribute
£100,000 to my SIPP and to discharge this obligation
I give my SIPP this property or these shares."

Where the allowable asset is passed to a scheme, the
contribution will benefit from tax relief limited to the
higher of earnings or £3,600 gross, rather than the
full value of the asset.

When passing a property to a pension scheme as a
contribution, any outstanding mortgage will need to be paid
off before the property can be moved into the pension

But where you own an existing property, what is the best

The in specie transfer might appear to be the more
attractive of the two because tax relief is available on
the contribution. However, the major drawback with this
method is that the mortgage must be paid off before the
transfer can proceed.

Investors wishing to benefit from tax relief on the full
value of the property will need to have earnings that are
at least equal to the value of the property. It would
therefore appear that the most practical method of moving
property into a pension is likely to be to build up a fund
first and then buy the property.

In relation to share ownership within a SIPP, the following
points should be noted:

- The SIPP or connected parties cannot own over 50 per cent
of the shares of the company

- Shares acquired under savings-related share option
schemes or share incentive plans are allowed by the Finance
Act 2004 to be transferred to a pension scheme and these
will automatically qualify for tax relief as contributions
if they are rolled over into the pension scheme /
arrangement within 90 days of the member becoming the owner

- The purpose of the investment must not be for the SIPP
member or a connected party to use the company's assets

- The company's main activity must be trading

The transfer is in effect a contribution, so it is entitled
to tax relief in the normal way. If the contributions would
normally get tax relief at source, basic rate tax relief on
the value contributed will be paid by HMRC into the plan,
with any higher rate relief being claimed through

The person transferring the ownership of the asset will be
liable for any capital gains tax on any gain in the asset
since he/she acquired it. They may also be liable for stamp

The simplest way of making a contribution to a pension
scheme equal to the value of assets held would be to sell
those assets and pay the proceeds into the pension plan.

This avoids the potential problems with an in specie
contribution and allows someone who does not initially have
the cash to make a substantial contribution to their
pension scheme. Tax relief will be given on the
contribution as normal, assuming the gross contribution
does not exceed their UK earnings. Capital gains tax and
stamp duty may be payable on the sale of assets.

The disadvantages are that the assets do not end up in the
pension scheme, unless the pension scheme subsequently buys
the assets. This could involve delay and values may have
moved in the meantime. If the asset was a property, of
course, it might not be available for sale.

The Financial Tips Bottom Line

If you are considering the SIPP route, make sure you do
your research in advance as this area can be a minefield!

Also, there are a number of SIPP providers so make sure you
look at what type of SIPP you need, as well as checking the
small print before you sign on the dotted line.

Ray Prince is an Independent Financial Planner with
Rutherford Wilkinson plc, and helps UK Resident Doctors and
Dentists get the best deals on mortgages, protection and
investments, as well as helping them achieve their
financial objectives. Just visit to get your free retirement
planning guide. Rutherford Wilkinson plc is authorised and
regulated by the Financial Services Authority.