Thursday, April 24, 2008

5 Things to Do When You Sell Your LA House

5 Things to Do When You Sell Your LA House
Are you a homeowner in LA? Are you looking to sell that
home? Regardless if you are selling your home by yourself
or through a real estate agent, there are things you need
to do to make you're your home sells.

Below are things you should do to sell your LA house.

1. Before you even think about selling your home you need
to make sure that you will be able to buy another one. You
should look to get pre-approved for a home loan before you
look to sell your current house. If you get pre-approved
for a home loan you can have peace of mind that you have
somewhere to go when you sell your house.

2. Before you sell your LA house you need to check how much
your home is currently worth. If you find your homes market
value, you can get a clear cut picture of how much money
you will be able to make off of selling your home.

3. Now that you have found how much money you will make by
selling your house, you need to find out how much money it
will cost you to sell it. If you are using a real estate
agent you need to find out what their commission will be.
You also need to find out how much the advertising costs
are. You finally need to find out what the closing agent,
attorney, and any other professional fees will be.

4. You have decided to sell your home; you know what you
will make for it and what it will cost to sell it, now you
need to find the price of a new home. When you talk to the
lender about getting pre-approval for a loan they should be
able to give you an estimated cost.

5. You have figured out all the money that will be
involved; now it is time to get your home ready. You need
to inspect your home for any repairs that will be needed.
If there are any repairs you need to take care of them
before you sell your house.

Once you have repaired your house you just need to clean it
up and make it look nice for the potential buyers. The
nicer the house looks the more you will get for it.

If you do these five things when you sell your LA house you
should be able to make a smooth transition from selling
your current home to moving into your new one.

James Redmond invites you to visit his best home offer
website if you need to sell your LA house. If you are a
private party who must sell your home because of
bankruptcy, divorce, to stop foreclosure, or other issues
he can help. He specializes in private party must sell home
help including selling Orange County homes fast. Please
click here now to learn more:===>

Protecting Your Family: Health Insurance, Life Insurance, And, Don't Forget! - Disability Insurance

Protecting Your Family: Health Insurance, Life Insurance, And, Don't Forget! - Disability Insurance
A recent survey by Harris Interactive for America's Health
Insurance Plans (AHIP) found that most Baby Boomers
underestimate their risk of missing work for an extended
period of time due to a disability. Yet they believe that
they are more likely to suffer such a disability than to
die prematurely. What's wrong with this picture? Like most
breadwinners, Boomers buy family health insurance and life
insurance to protect their families while skimping on
long-term disability insurance.

How far off are the disability risk guesstimates of most
Americans? A study sponsored by the Life and Health
Insurance Foundation for Education called "The Real Risk of
Disability in the United States" found that a white-collar
worker between 35 and 65 years of age has a 27 to 31
percent chance of becoming disabled for 90 days or longer.
Unfortunately, the duration of disabilities has increased
substantially in the past few decades. In the 1970s and
80s, a 35-year-old male with such a disability would have
been out of work, on average, almost four years. Today it's
six, because better medical care means that people with
terminal illnesses are living longer. It does not, however,
mean they are able to pull in their pre-disability income
while they're ill.

Steven Crawford, a Maryland-based disability insurance
specialist, believes that a well considered policy is the
keystone to any sound financial plan. Unfortunately, he
notes, most financial advisers, not to mention the media at
large, rarely mention the subject, even though a person's
ability to generate income is by far their most valuable

"Everybody should have the maximum [benefits] they can
afford," Crawford says. "Somebody 20 years old—their
liability is huge. A 55-year-old's liability is less."

Figuring out how to find quality, low cost health insurance
suited to your specific needs is a time-consuming process.
First, you have to determine how much you'll need to
maintain your lifestyle, remembering to factor in new
expenses that could arise due to your disability. Then, you
calculate what income you'll receive from sources beyond a
private health insurance plan. These include benefits from
your employer's group plan, your personal savings, and
possible government benefits such as social security
disability insurance.

"If you're making a six-figure income, you really shouldn't
be covered by a group long-term plan," Crawford says. The
coverage is cheap, but you're not going to receive nearly
enough of your pre-disability income to sustain your
current lifestyle. Sixty percent is the standard rate of
income replacement on most plans. Why not higher? According
to Crawford, the insurers want to pay "the maximum amount
needed for you to get by without removing your incentive to
go back to work."

The subject is unpleasant for many, which may explain why
so many people think of injury when they hear the word
"disability." In fact, according to AHIP's Guide to
Individual Disability Income Insurance
ual_Disability.pdf), 89.5 percent of claims are caused not
by injury, but by illness. The guide is a great source of
information about the many types of policies out there and
the enormous variety of choices within each and every one
of those policies. It also contains a checklist of
questions to ask a reputable, knowledgeable agent when
you're ready to face the realities of your disability
insurance needs.

Ryan Patterson is president of US Insurance Online, based
in Austin, TX. He graduated in 2000 from the University of
Texas with a combined business and computer science degree,
and started US Insurance Online in May of 2005 with fellow
entrepreneur Jim Waltrip. Visit for help shopping for
insurance and for free insurance quotes.

Payday Loans for You

Payday Loans for You
If you have spent time financially supporting yourself, one
of the first things that you should be aware of is that
life is unexpected. You never know when an emergency will
pop up and you never know when you are going to get a curve
ball thrown your way and one of the things that can stand
between you and disaster is a payday loan. Payday loans
essentially exist in order to take care of the gaps that
can happen. When you are looking for solutions when it
comes to money, a payday loan can be just the solution that
you are looking for.

The process for getting a payday loan is very simple. To
start off with, you will locate a payday loan lender;
depending on the area you live in, you'll find different
organizations everywhere that are willing to provide you
with this valuable service. When you find a lender that
you like, you will go in and fill out an application.
Payday loan applications can take anywhere from a week to
less than 24 hours. You'll find that the speed with which
you receive the money is something that can tell you which
payday loan lender is right for you.

After you get approved for your loan, you will find that
many of these places will ask you to leave a check behind
that has been post-dated to the day that your paycheck will
come due. After that, you will receive the money and be
able to take care of any emergency that has come up. You
will hear many negative things about payday loans due to
the fact that there is a high interest rate, but the truth
is, the interest rate is something varies from institution
to institution. When you are taking a look at the payday
loans in your area, you should think about how much
interest they charge, what you can deal with and what you

When you are looking into payday loans, remember that you
should always crunch the numbers, so to speak. Get out a
calculator and figure out exactly how much you need to get
by. What is the minimum amount of money you need to deal
with the situation that is in front of you, and will your
next paycheck cover it? Then pull up the figures that are
offered by the various payday loan lenders in your area, or
that you are considering. Depending on how dire the
situation is, you might find that it is more important to
take advantage of a next day loan even if it has a higher
interest rate. You'll find that if you can put off the
emergency for a little bit, you might want a payday loan
that takes a slightly longer amount of time to go into

The big question is will you be able to pay off the loan in
due time. Think about your situation. When the time
comes, whether that is a week or two weeks away, will you
be able to pay off the loans that you have taken out?
You'll find that in answering this question, you can learn
a lot about whether payday loans are for you. Remember
that when you are thinking about payday loans that you can
go online to find them too. This can be an excellent
solution due to the fact that by going online, you can
research the rates offered by a wide assortment of vendors
without needing to do a lot of driving or to call up a lot
of people. You can check rates online, get good estimates
and figure out what your choices are.

If you are in an emergency situation, or even if your life
would be made a little bit easier by taking out a loan
against money that you know you're going to earn, you'll
find that payday loans have a lot to offer. This is an
excellent way to make sure that your money continues to do
what you want it to do, and in many cases, this is the best
way to keep to your personal plan. Don't pass up this
opportunity to keep your finances squarely in the black,
and make sure that you take advantage of the options that
are open to you.

For more information please visit

John McCain's New Tax Plan

John McCain's New Tax Plan
On Tuesday (Tax Day), John McCain announced his idea for
how to simplify the tax filings for mllions of people.
Finally, a workable idea!!! His idea is quite simple and
would solve many problems. For those of you who didn't hear
about it, here it is in a nutshell.

Create an alternative tax that is optional (not mandatory
like the AMT). The alternative tax would be a flat tax,
with two tax rates, a generous standard deduction, and
nothing else. Taxpayers would have the choice of filing
under the regular tax system or the alternative system.

This solves many problems without creating the remarkable
complexity that comes from a consumption tax (e.g.,
national sales tax) or other "flat tax" proposals. Because
you have a choice, you would be able to take the complex
route of the regular tax, using a firm like ProVision to
handle your tax filing. If, on the other hand, simplicity
is most important to you, you can simply use the flat tax
and file a postcard-type return.

What I like about this proposal is that it should eliminate
many of the complainers about the current system being too
complex. They would have the opportunity to use the simple
form. At the same time, it's not a massive overhaul of the
current system and so is politically doable, as no one
loses. It should allow the IRS to reduce it's audit staff
(especially office audits). Finally, it allows the
government to continue using the tax system to encourage
investment in real estate and business. (Personally, I'm
not sure I care whether the government uses the tax system
for economic, social and energy policy. The government sure
seems to like it, though.)

The only downside I can see is that it would take the
pressure off the government to do a massive overhaul of the
current system. At this point in history, though, it seems
almost impossible to undo decades of complicating the tax
system. The tax system is woven throughout our entire
economy. So I think that Mr. McCain's proposal is a very
good step in the right direction.

One other aspect of John McCain's proposal that I really
like. With a flat tax, any time the government wanted to
raise or lower taxes, it would be very obvious, since it
would have to include a rate change or a change to the
standard deduction. It couldn't be hidden like the haircuts
we have on Schedule A (itemized deductions) or the income
limits on certain tax benefits or the alternative minimum

There are still many issues that would have to be ironed
out, such as which income is taxable, but let's give Mr.
McCain a round of applause for coming up with a reasonable
step in the right direction towards tax filing simplicity
for the average, middle-class American.

Warmest regards,


Tom Wheelwright is not only the founder and CEO of
Provision, but he is the creative force behind Provision
Wealth Strategists. In addition to his management
responsibilities, Tom likes to coach clients on wealth,
business, and tax strategies. Along with his frequent
seminars on such strategies, Tom is an adjunct professor in
the Masters of Tax program at Arizona State University. For
more information, please visit

How Credit Card Processing Can Improve Working Capital Management

How Credit Card Processing Can Improve Working Capital Management
Most businesses which accept credit cards can obtain a
business cash advance by using their future credit card
processing activity. This strategy is also referred to as
credit card financing and credit card receivables
factoring. However, there are a number of critical business
financing problems to avoid when using this strategy, and a
merchant cash advance is not the only source to consider
for additional working capital.

Business cash advance and credit card processing management
is frequently one of the most overlooked sources of working
capital for a business. This article will provide a concise
and practical introduction to what a business needs to know
about using this business finance strategy and how to
obtain a merchant cash advance.

Businesses should not overlook the substantial working
capital business loan benefits which will accrue to their
business by effectively coordinating merchant cash advance
and credit card processing programs. Improved cash flow and
reduced costs are key results of successful coordination of
these business financing services. Perhaps most
importantly, a business cash advance based on credit card
processing is one of the few viable options for reliably
obtaining short-term commercial financing for many service
and retail businesses.

Before we begin, there are two key points to keep in mind.
First, business cash advance programs can be a source of
confusion and problems, and proper anticipation of these
potential difficulties is essential for a business owner
considering this working capital strategy. Second, business
cash advance programs are often referred to by other names
such as credit card financing, merchant cash advance and
credit card receivables factoring.

Although this is a sound and viable strategy, there are
pitfalls to anticipate and avoid. Here is a suggested
process for reviewing possibilities to improve credit card
processing and simultaneously obtain a business cash

Realize that the business cash advance strategy is not
readily available until a business has been operational for
at least one year. A further limitation is that the
business must have been using credit cards as a form of
payment by customers. New business owners will nevertheless
be wise to educate themselves about this business finance
strategy in preparation for possible application a few
months down the road.

Determine how much additional working capital your business
needs. In general a business cash advance is typically
possible for amounts varying from $5000 to $300,000 and the
amount will depend on the monthly credit card processing
volume for a business.

Review your monthly credit card volume as well as cash
receipts from your customers during the past six months. It
is not unusual for a business to experience cyclical
variations in their monthly receipts, and these
fluctuations are generally acceptable in calculating the
potential for a business cash advance.

Avoid business finance sites which request that a business
owner submit an online application for a business cash
advance. To illustrate the problems associated with an
online business financing application, we have prepared a
separate business loan report entitled How and Why to Avoid
the Online Business Loan Application Trap.

Talk to an experienced business cash advance advisor. You
should avoid high-pressure representatives that make
unrealistic promises about how quickly the credit card
financing process can be completed. A realistic expectation
is that a merchant cash advance can be finalized in a
period of two to four weeks. A knowledgeable working
capital financing advisor will be able to provide an
initial assessment of potential working capital advance
options based on information referred to above.

Explore additional resources that will facilitate a better
understanding of complex credit card factoring issues. You
should look for sources which will provide relevant
strategies and solutions for any business owner
contemplating a future business cash advance.

Complete an initial business cash advance application once
you are satisfied that you have identified a suitable
advisor and provider for coordinating the credit card
processing and credit card receivables factoring. Please
remember our advice to avoid the online versions for this
step. Faxing or emailing a completed application directly
to the advisor-provider is the preferred method for
submitting initial documentation. Please note that there
should not be any up-front fees or closing costs to obtain
a working capital advance.

Steve Bush is a small business loans expert - learn how to
avoid mistakes with commercial loans and find out about
business cash management strategies at AEX Commercial
Financing Group =>