Sunday, March 16, 2008

Forex Trading with Fibonacci

Forex Trading with Fibonacci
Trading on the foreign exchange markets is a complex
business to say the least, and so it will come as no
surprise that almost every trader will spend a high
percentage of their time searching for anything that will
provide an extra edge.

Fibonacci - or to give him his full and correct name
Leonardo Pisano, was an Italian mathematician who lived in
Pisa in the middle ages.

Amongst his many claims to fame he is credited with
calculating "The Golden Ratio" and "The Fibonacci Series"
by which the next number of the series is obtained by
adding the last two numbers together...... 0, 1, 1, 2, 3,
5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, ...

The thing that is quite surprising about the Fibonacci
series is that this mathematical sequence naturally occurs
so very often in nature, and in so many facets of life.
This may have something to do with why it is felt that
Fibonacci has a part to play in helping us to trade on the
foreign exchange.

Now stay with me here, because we need to take a look at
the all important inverse ratio, because it is the use of
the inverse ratio that we traders are most interested in.

If you divide one of the "Series" of numbers by the
previous number in the series you will always get the
answer 1.618 and if you divide a "Series" number by a
"Series" number two along you will always get the answer
2.618 or put another way the inverse ratios of 0.618 and
0.38916 respectively.

Do you really need to know any of this? Well yes and no.

Sometimes it puts things into perspective of you understand
how they came to be used and it is of course extremely
important to understand as much as possible of what is
going on in the minds of the other market participants.

You will, if you have been trading for more than a short
while, have come across the retracement levels of 38% and
62%. Guess where they were calculated from.

Yes, they are the rounded numbers derived from the
Fibonacci series and portrayed as a percentage.

Many traders freely state that when a retracement is
underway, price will generally "turn" at one of these
levels and if it does not, then it is no longer a
retracement, it is a reversal.

Over time an extra level has been included which is 50% but
as far as I can ascertain this is not a number that is
attributed to our friend Leonardo.

So what is the truth of all of this?

It is true that Leonardo Pisano, was an Italian
mathematician who lived in Pisa in the middle ages, and it
is likely true that he was the first to document "The
Golden Ratio" and "The Fibonacci Series".

As to whether the Fibonacci levels will work when used as a
trading aid is, I believe, largely dependent upon how
popular the Fibonacci trading levels theory is at any given

If the price of a currency pair has reached 1.5670 from a
low of 1.5282 and then price starts to retrace, and if the
vast majority of traders who are active on this currency
pair believe that the Fibonacci levels are a valuable
trading aid, then price will most likely bounce at the 38%
level of 1.5525 or at the 50% level or at the 62% level.

If on the other hand the majority of traders who are active
on this currency pair believe that the Fibonacci levels
have no trading aid value at all, then price will most
likely settle at whatever is the current perceived market
value of that pair.

Do I use Fibonacci levels?

Well to tell the truth, I do watch the levels, but only
because so many traders believe that they work, and maybe
this belief alone is enough to endorse their use.

Martin Bottomley is a full time professional forex trader,
acknowledged author, forex tutor and co-developer of forex
trading software including The Amazing Stealth Forex
Trading system.
You will find more information at:

More Free Government Money is Available at the State and Local Levels than at the Federal Level.

More Free Government Money is Available at the State and Local Levels than at the Federal Level.
Most people are unaware that looking to the State and Local
government for funding, rather than directly to the Federal
government is a smart choice.

The Federal government disburses grant money in two forms.
The first is in the form of a discretionary grant. This is
a grant awarded by an agency of the Federal government
(like the Department of Health and Human Services) to an
organization in need of assistance (like a homeless

The second is in the form of a formula or block grant. This
is Federal money given to States, Cities and Counties.
Using their own rules and regulations, they disburse these
funds to charities and other social providers. The States
and localities receive "significantly more money" than the
Federal agencies for distribution.

Individuals should take advantage of the wealth of
information available online. Simple searches for key words
can turn up websites of importance. Web searching can also
turn up thousands of unrelated websites as which you are
probably already aware. Don't get frustrated, others have
done some of the searching for you. These are informational
products available at a small cost.

Informational products on the subject can provide direct
links to sources that you may never locate through
searching. These individuals have already researched and
packaged the best available information and links for you.
For the cost of a few cd's or books, you could easily
locate your funding source. Whether you are seeking a
grant or scholarship for college, assistance programs for
small business, or loans for minorities or women, these
products can be invaluable. Grant writing tutorial software
and applications are often included. A good proposal can
often mean the difference between being accepted or

So if you are in need of assistance, the Federal government
is a place to start, but be sure to follow up at the State
and local levels. You may find them to be your best source
of free government money. Make the best use of information
available to you, both free and at a small cost. Be aware
of products that can "guarantee you money". Remember,
funding is always discretionary. Save time by making use of
the research that has been done by others on the subject.
Informational products that you purchase should always
offer 100% money back satisfaction guarantee on the
"quality" of their product. Using information to guide you
in the proper direction, , knowing where the most money is
available, and using the proper tools to apply can lead you
to the government money that you desire.

Michael Bierly is president of IntroTrust Financial LLC and, a financial investment and informational
marketing company. He believes that knowledge is power, and
that individuals should take advantage of ALL available
sources of information to achieve their financial and
personal goals.