Saturday, August 11, 2007

Your Personal Wealth – What Is It Going To Fund?

Pssst. Do you want to be wealthy? The chances of you
being wealthy depend to a great extent, on how you answer
this next question. What is your wealth going to fund?

Have you ever thought about this question? Even more
powerful, have you started to articulate, write and / or
describe what your wealth is going to fund? Napoleon Hill
shared his six secrets to becoming rich in his book Think
and Grow Rich. One of the requirements was to define what
will be given in return for your desires to turn to gold.

Many people know exactly what kind of car, trip or house
they want, but they don't take the time to think about what
it is they will give back in return for these riches.

Few things can be more motivating than to outline how you
wish to leave your legacy in this life with the wealth that
you have obtained. Go beyond thinking about this legacy
and what you want to fund and actually write it out in
detail. Take the time right now and actually begin writing
out what your wealth will fund!

Take out a piece of paper or a journal and begin writing,
"In return for my wealth, I intend to use it to …. (Write
down what it is you intent to do)." For example, someone
could write, "In return for my wealth, I intend to use it
to fund teacher appreciation grants so that teachers who go
beyond their normal teaching duties are recognized for
their important contribution to the enrichment of student's

Twice a day, for the next 30 days, read what it is you
intend to do with your wealth and begin to add more and
more details to your vision. For example, you've
determined what you will fund, but now you have to explain
how it will be carried out. Will you fund it monthly,
quarterly, yearly? What are the criteria for funding? Who
will present the funds? Will there be a ceremony when the
check is given to the recipients? What does it feel like
to be associated with this cause?

Can you feel the excitement in funding something worthwhile
and important to YOU? Does this make you more motivated to
acquiring wealth? It should, because it's a part of you
that is being left behind as a lasting imprint on other
people's lives.

As your wealth-funding vision becomes stronger and clearer,
a plan will emerge as well as new and exciting
opportunities for generating the money to fund your vision.

Congratulations! Now you are ready to receive and build
your wealth!

Sharon Marsh, Ph.D., entrepreneur and wealth coach, is the
founder and owner of Professional Wealth Solutions, LLC. Go
now to for Free Wealth
Building and Money Making tips. Read. Act. Energize your
wealth program.

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